Monday, June 28, 2004

Bill Clinton Is GOD

A political God anyway. I am laughing my ass off at all the sluts and whores of Clintons past are pissed off that they didn't get more of a part in Clintons life. I got news for you Bitches. Bitches they come and bitches they go. And Bill don't give one rats ass about you. If any of it is true that is. I personally believe that Bill got head from Monica. He didn't have to rape Monica. Which if he were a rapist he would always be one. He wouldn't have just got blown and let it be at that. He would have thrown her ass up on that desk and fucked her black and blue. But Clintons not a rapist. I mean hundreds of thousands of dollars were given to several of the women that Bill allegedly had raped or exposed himself to. That is a great motivator. Especially when you consider the multimillion dollar deal that Monica got. Now all of a sudden there are a dozen or so women that Bill was around during his early political years that just had to come forward. After 8 years as president and 25 years of time past these women just had to come forward. Bullshit! These bitches see dollar signs. Plain and simple. And they are scooped up to be on Hannity and Colmes and on all the Faux News shows. And noone wants to say anything like maybe..... Bitch your a fuckin liar. Because God forbid you accuse a woman of all things....LYING! HAAHAHAHAHHAHA I mean Kobes in trouble for screwing a slut. The womans got another mans semen in her while shes screwing Kobe! Thats fucking gross. I pitty Kobe for having to stick his dick in that rotten slut! Now supposedly there are some injuries but they are not serious. In fact they are said to be consistent with injuries gotten during rough sex. Now if Kobe hurt this girl and she told him to stop and he continued to hurt her he needs to be prosecuted whether shes a slut or not. But if she was just star struck and laid down with this man and is now having second thoughts just because some of her friends convinced her she could make some bucks off of him then I hope she rots in hell. But back to Clinton. Paula Jones and Jen Flowers proved that they are gutter sluts when they took their clothes off for Hustler or Penthouse or whatever. Yes you are a slut if you take your clothes off for money. You are immoral and certainly wouldn't be above lying for money either. Not that I have something against immoral sluts. I love looking at them nekkid in movies magazines etc etc etc! :) Thank God for immoral sluts! Either way to destroy a man that way is bullshit and these women deserve no quarter.

Monday, June 21, 2004

Now Im Pissed.........again.

This weekend was my big camping trip. Some old friends were comming from out of town to camp with me and my wife and some of our local friends. He was going to bring his friends from Baltimore to camp too. No biggie. I paid for the keg, the campsite, and some other incidentals. Came up to a little over a hundredsixty bucks. Thats kind of a biggie since we don't have any money but hey these are my friends and they will gladly chip in right? Wrong. I'm not too pissed about that due to the fact that his friends bought food and stuff. Only thing bad about that is that they didn't bring a whole lot of food. Some peanuts, potatoes, dozen eggs, two packs of bacon, 5 lbs of hamburger, pigs feet (noone ate the damn things) and a few steaks that didn't go very far when you consider that there were 10 or so people there. All together I'd say those 6 people contributed about 70 or 80 dollars toward food. Well fuck all that anyway. What pisses me off is that the people he brought from Baltimore were fuckin assholes. One dude bitching to me, actually yelling at me because I put a platic cup in the fire. Well for one thing its my fucking campsite. I paid for the mother fucker its mine. Another thing is if you ask me nicely I would gladly grant your wish. I clenched my fist and bit my tongue. This was after all one of my good friends good buddies. These fuckers from Baltimore got something wrong with them. One thing is they think that just because they read all the camping books and go camping 4 or 5 times a year they have the right to preach to you about the wilderness. Well buddy I really don't give a shit if a plastic cup puts cfcs into the fuckin Ozone or whatever. I really don't know what he was bent about but he nearly got told to learn some fuckin respect. Second, some of them got really yanked out of shape because we were going to shoot guns at the range. I shoot as much as my schedule permits, which isn'
t much so Ill be damned if some stupid bitchs whining is going to stop me from doing something that I truly love. But she didn't talk to me pretty much the rest of the trip. The next day we got up and she and her boyfriend were gone without as much as a by your leave. Piss on her too. It makes me wonder how the hell my friends linked up with these types when they left the sticks and moved to the big city. Now I don't think I am better than they. But if they are going to come to my turf and hang out, I deserve to be treated with some common courtesy. Just because I live in the country, or at least in a rural area, does not mean that I am any less a person than they. Makes me really angry to be talked down to. And all the while I have to take it because my friends, whom I only see once or twice a year, are best friends with these yo-yos. It will probably never happen again but if it does I am not going to take their shit. If they get all pissed and never come up again so fuckin be it. But at least I will not have this feeling like I let some assholes walk all over me all weekend. Amen to that!

Tithing is bullshit.

Tithing. An old custom whereby godloving people give 10 percent of their income to the church to fund Gods work. It is ordained in the Bible to do so in many instances. Passing the hat is as much a part of Christianity as the cross and mangers. Now don't get me wrong. There is absolutly nothing wrong with the idea of Christianity. I myself believe in God and that he created the Universe. I also believe that Jesus was the Messiah and that if you are a good person that you will go to heaven. I kind of suspend disbelief with alot of things that are written in the Bible and take them at their word. However there are aspects of Christianity that drive me up the fuckin wall. Tithing is one of them. I understand that churches need to have funding. It costs alot of money to maintain a nice church I'm sure. However there are churches within a few miles of this very house where a reverand runs a church and the parsonage is a two story, two car garage mansion. Not really a mansion but a 300,000 dollar house easy. Not to mention their son and daughter went to good colleges the daughter drove an SUV and the son drove a Porche 945. Now come on. When I ask myself what would Jesus drive, a Porche 945 isn't exactly what I think of. I have also attended his church from time to time and sat through a surmon on why homos are going to burn in hell. Now the church was full of kids and I find that preaching that a group of people are going to hell is preaching hate. If condeming people to hell isnt hate I dunno what is. Then there is the church up the street I have also attended that the guy literaly screams at you for not getting all hyped and screaming, amen brother! every 10 seconds. Most people in that place did and he will single you out as not allowing the holy spirit to invaid your body if you don't get juiced by his surmon. So that is trying to make someone act insain through peer pressure. So I don't go to church much even though I consider myself a Christian. But this weekend I heard a surmon on the radio of a local church. He was actually saying that you give the 10% of tithes to the church before you make the house payment, before you buy food, water, anything! Now I don't make much. After I get taxes taken from me I only make about 25, 27 thousand a year. If I give my proper tithes I am giving $225 dollars a month to the church. FUCK THAT! If I did that I would be in serious financial trouble. I don't think God wishes for me to suffer in this life due to paying him rent. The guy I heard on the radio said that he didn't want me to give my tithes to pay him. He wanted me to give tithes so that I would be blessed. He also added that if I didn't give tithes that God would get his tithes somehow. Then he said some bullshit about having car accidents and the waterheater breaking. I'll tell you what if God causes my water heater to break or me to get hurt in an accident he's an asshole. Now I don't think God is an asshole. Your water heater breaks because some jackass didn't put it together right or because it wore out. I have never given tithes of 10 percent in my life. I am however blessed. I have things in my life that are Godgiven and give me such true happiness. God is a giving God. He doesn't punish you for stupid shit like not giving 10 percent of what little money you got to the church. Now I know I invest more than 10 percent of my income maintaining my family. My family was given to me by God. I think that my tithes are being paid everyday and I am blessed.

More Faceless Sacrifice In Iraq

I have many problems with what is going on in Iraq but there is one that really chaps my ass the most. It's the administrations refusal to acknowledge the fact that there are people dying everyday over in Iraq. Everyday! The only time you hear about it is due to the fact that we have some media people over there. If it were up to the Pentagon you wouldn't know what was going on. All in the name of freedom of course. They know that as the evidence that was used to go to war is all refuted and the deathtolls rise the patience of the American people is wearing away. Bush knows that America loves to see our guys kicking peoples asses. All he has to do is wrap the package in the American flag and sick his attack dogs on anyone who questions it. As long as they can send home pictures of tanks rolling guys giving the victory sign and show vast troops surrendering to our soldiers, most of America will be able to choke down some bad news once and a while. The only problem with Iraq is that the only thing they prepared for was a refugee catastrophe that never transprired. After that they just made it up as they went along. And the news has been bad. They can try to spin it any way they want but with 11000 plus civilians, soon to be over 1000 coalition troops, and almost 200 billion dollars gone, we are still no better off in the war on terror than we were on Sept. 11. The power grid is falling offline daily. Almost 50 percent of the time to be infact. Water treatment, oil production, operations of schools, all are practically at a standstill since shortly after the war ended. Now thats not to say that we aren't trying. The insurgents are just tearing up everything as we build it. Not to mention Halliburtons work practices aren't the most efficent in the world. They contract out the work. Pay the subcontractor half of what they got paid, then the subcontract out the work again and so on and so on. Then you have street peasants in charge of building the public works using substandard work practices and viola! Now you know why when there is a Magnitude 3 earthquake in these third world countries and it kills thousands where the same earthquake here only interupts the commute. Of course in this situation Bushs people are happy. His bloodthirsty constituents get to watch our guys shoving guns in peoples faces. And Bushs donors get to recieve the promised return on their investment. How they still have 40 percent of America convinced that this is a good idea in Iraq is beyond me.

Monday, June 14, 2004

Ode to an asshole that shot my cat

First of all I must tell you that I am not particularly an animal lover. I have a cat and a dog but if not for my lovely wife and darling children I would have neither. I am however a hater of those who hurt animals without cause. I would like to have the mother fucker that shot my cat in MY sights. I wouldn't miss and shoot him (or her you never know these days) in the neck. The hollow head that sits on their shoulders would turn into a squishy gob of mush. I use hollow points. First I fully understand an individual getting pissed cause their trash is torn up. Or an animal is shitting all over their yard. I understand that. But in all my years I have never once steped in cat shit in my or anyone elses yard. Now I have stumbled across some under hedges or in sand boxes but never have I cussed a feline for tracking cat shit into my house. Now dogs on the other hand shit anywhere and everywhere. This is the second time my cat has been shot. In broad daylight. Our cat is well fed. You don't have to worry about that. It is terrified of garbage bags. It has no claws! It is fat and useless and just about the most dosile creature on the planet. Some shithead shot him for no fucking reason whatsoever and if I find out who this bastard is he better look the fuck out. He is shooting animals for fun and I don't have to tell you that the most despicable assholes in history have one thing in common. They tortured animals for fun. If he was starving and ate the cat I would not have a problem with it but this useless human being needs to have his chest filled with 150 grains of soft point .30 caliber redemption. I'm so fucking pissed. Hes going to probably be ok but who the hell knows. He'll need antibiotics, and a vet visit. This fucker is going to cost me a few hundred bucks in the end. Not to mention my kids are beside themselves. If there is justice this individual will get hit by a car tomorrow whilst getting his mail. Brains all over the pavement. Ill stand at the curb and laugh till my balls turn blue and point as his worthless life drifts out of his worthless sack. But in this imperfect world he will get away with this and probably do it again and again and have a blast doing it. Just let me catch him. I value the peace of my castle. He has disrupted that peace. He will rue the day he ever fucked with my personal space.

I too will piss on Reagans grave.

The more and more I read about Reagan the more I remember about the 80's and how shitty those times were for the world in general. Kind of like today eh? I have always believed that there were drugs involved in the Iran Contra scandal now I finaly found documented proof. And the bad thing was is that it was common knowledge. During the Iran Contra hearings it was brought to light that while the guns and supplies were going to Nicaragua to help the Freedom loving Contras, they were loading the planes down with Coccain for the return trips to further supplement. Remember the flood of drugs during the 80's? The Contras were pumping drugs aplenty into the US and we all paid for it. Every dime. All supposedly under Reagans nose. Reagans closest advisors were evidently stealing millions of dollars in money and assets and sending them to third world shitholes and Reagan never suspected a thing. A marine Col. named North had the authority to release the weapons, money, and supplies, and to the authorize the use of logistics to deliver it. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!??? This man didn't have the authority to wipe his ass! And they fed it to us. AND WE ATE IT UP! America deserves the leaders it gets. We are too stupid. North is now a hero for taking the fall. Even though he was stealing from his own people skimming money off the top and buying shit for himself. No honor among theives eh? The truth of the matter is that Reagans buddies had mining interests in Nicaragua. What better excuse for a coup de tat than to overthrow a communist government. Thus the Contras were born. The entire thing stunk so bad I can't believe we choked it down. Screw us. We're idiots.

Saturday, June 12, 2004

Get a Grip!!!!!

For the love of God! There is renewed talk of putting Reagans face on Mt Rushmore! I mean come on! For one thing Mt. Rushmore wasn't some kind of popularity contest. It wasn't some award those men got. It was built to commemorate great leaders that drove the country at specific turning points in history. Now you can make the argument about the bullshit and the Berlin Wall. Reagan didn't do shit to tear down the Berlin Wall. It was all of our tax dollars that did that. Reagan was just more than happy to spend our money for us. All this talk about Reagan being for small government. Bullshit he expanded government. He put 10 percent of this country out of work and cut taxes for the richest americans. Then on top of all that he and his cronies stole hundreds of millions of dollars to buy guns to give to people who hate us..........Now there is some fuckin leadership for you. The man was a statesman. There is no doubt about that. But if I conceid that then you have to also conceid that Clinton was also a statesman. Neither should be getting on Mr. Rushmore.

Thursday, June 10, 2004

It's slowly shaping up to be a dogfight.

In the whole big scheme of things with Bush aggresively campaigning against Kerry. Millions upon millions of dollars spent trying to bash this man on just about every front on every TV in the country. Faux News, Liddy, Hannity, Limpbald, all pounding on Kerry like a punching bag..... And Kerry still leads in many polls. Kerry is berated for not climbing in the polls. Well Bush should be berated for not making a showing at all. Kerry can't get any traction......well I don't see Bush climbing either. In fact the president is loosing ground on just about all fronts. If Nader wasn't in the race, then Kerry would really lead most polls. Nader can say what he wants but if he truly hates Bushs policies as much as he says he does......the man don't stand a chinamans chance of winning. He just wants to be an Asshole. Kerrys campaign has been anemic to say the least. Less than inspiring advertising, as uninspiring speeches. He better get his shit in gear for the convention. I have heard hes an inspiring speaker at times of crisis. Well here it comes: crisis! It still makes me laugh though. Kerry was thought to be a pushover but with world events basicly dictating Bushs itinerary, Kerry can just sit back and let the Bush Campaign blow itself out. Good strategy at this point considering the fact that Bush has Kerry outgunned. He can't outshine Bush with advertising but he can let Bush trip on his own feet. Bush has set his own traps. The liberal media didn't give him bad intel. The democrats didn't make the call to go to war based on some reports from less than scrupulous Iraqi exiles. The Leftwing conspiracy didn't alienate us in regards to telling the UN and half of NATO to screw themselves. We in the United States are strong. But we are stronger if we work together. We have this perception that we won World War Two. Well we made a major contribution to the war but the Soviets made just as large a contribution as we did. Very little is known about the Eastern front but the Soviets beared the brunt of Nazi oppresion just due to the fact that they were landlocked with the damn facists. More than anyone the Soviets were the ones that paid the price in blood during world war 2. Over 20 million Soviets died. Next is the Chinese with over 10 million dead. Poland, 6 million, Yugoslavia, almost 2 million. Down the list until you reach the United States, which lost 400000. I'm not saying we didn't pay a high price. I'm also not saying that we didn't have some of the finest fighting men in that war. What I am telling you is that the US contribution is just a very small facet of all of the battles in World War 2. The war was mostly an airwar up until the allied invasion in 1944. By this time Continental Europe had been fighting the Nazis for 5 years! Millions upon millions had already died. My point to all this is when we work with our allies we are unbeatable. If we are alone? We have trouble with peasants. Remember Vietnam? Now Iraq? Kerry is going to harness that teamwork and win the war on terror. Without it we will be stuck spinning our wheels in Iraq for the next 10 years and will not have accomplished a thing. If there was a terrorist attack right now the Bush folks would jump up and down and say "SEE I TOLD YOU!!". But really they would be the ones to blame. Wasting effort, time and money in Iraq is foolish. Freedom don't come free. It's time the Iraqi people figured that out and fought for freedom on their own.

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Parcells has nothing to be sorry for

Now Parcells head coach of the Dallas Cowboys is being berated for saying "Jap" at a press conference. Pardon me if I really don't get all riled and pissed. Personally I don't like the Japanese. I don't give a shit if they are contributing to society and if there are lots of Japanese Americans. I really don't give a shit. The Japanese less than 60 years ago were responsible for Millions of people being tortured, raped, and murdered. Ruski isn't considered a racial slur. White people don't get all bent when people call us crackers. You wanna know why? Cause white people just don't care about that shit. Like if someone calls me Whitey...I AM white, good observation! If someone called me a honkey I would laugh in their face. Polish, Jews, Japanese, etc. etc. etc. shaddap already! There are real injustices going on in the world that you should be pissed about. I call Japanese people Japs all the time. (Not to their face of course because that would be mean and I don't want to make someone feel bad!) How does that show ignorance? I don't like them for many reasons. Hmmmmmmm. Lemme think about some. Pearl Harbor, World War 2, the masacres in China, Battan, and other countless places, and the fact that they get all the benefits of living under the cloak of the United States and give nothing back. No to mention the fact that they pledged billions of dollars to the war effort in Gulf War One for us to secure their oil supply and then don't give up one red cent. The Japanese are reaping what they sow and if being called a Jap is the worst thing they have to endure to atone for their sins they should be rejoicing. I don't call them Japs because I feel superior to them I just don't like them for the reasons above among many others. Japanese people are low on my list. And all this shit about African Americans, Japanese Americans, Polish Americans............FUCK THAT. If you are an American then that is what you are! 99 percent of people who are supposedly African Americans are no more African than I am. Once we get rid of labels then maybe we will be able to get rid of the sterotypes that shakle us. Until the African Americans can drop the African part and become Americans they will be victims of unfair bias. That is just a fact. I didn't make it up. You can't have integration unless you intregrate! If someone wants to be African then go to fuckin Africa! If you want to be American then we welcome you. Thats not to say that those people need to give up their culture. There are Italian festivals and May Day. Americans with Irish decent still eat potatoes and drink beer on St. Patricks Day. They embrace their culture but have let themselves become part of the whole and not set themselves apart. African Americans and the rest need to celebrate Kwanza, or whatever they want, and just become Americans. Thats what they say they want isn't it. To be accepted. So why don't they accept America?

Saturday, June 05, 2004

Reagan Can Go To Hell

Matters little to me that I heard today that Ronald Reagans health is declining. I say good riddance. What did that man do to ever deserve the accolades that have been heaped upon him. He did more to destroy the American way of life than any president I can think of. People bitch about Clinton. So what the man got a blow job. Guess what?! So have I! I guess thats what pissed Cal Thomas off. He married some bitch that won't suck his dick. Now he's stuck being sexually frustrated. Poor fellow. Must suck to be as ridged a sack of shit as Cal is. Anyway Reagan has infact departed. Well I can't say I am glad he's dead but I find it really nausiating that all the GOP Cock hounds are on the mans jock 100 fold since he died. That really is pathetic. There is a group of people that want to rename everything in this country after the dearly departed Ronnie. And now that hes dead that may truly happen. I will be in hell on Earth. However I want to retract the Reagan can go to hell thing. Reagan has my permission to go to heaven. Bush on the other hand I'm sure has a nice specialy warm place reserved for him. Now that man can go flat footed straight to fuckin hell.

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

It's finally comming out.

They finally came out and said today what I have noticed for about the last 4 or 5 months now. Inflation is up. Way up. I have been hearing from the talking heads and from that man with the enormous head on Faux (Neil Cuvuto?) that inflation is at record low levels! Well maybe at one time. Maybe on Ferraris and Yachts. But for us poe folk, the items you need to survive like say milk and bread, those items have gone through the roof. They say that the poor are the last to be affected by upswings in the economy. Funny how they are the first affected when shit goes in the tank. Trickle down gentlemen. How Reagan, and now Bush sold us the trickle down strategy of economics is beyond me. You cannot make it sound good. Give all the richest people the money, and they will have their way with it, then after they are done with it, if they have any left over, you get some of it. And people are baffled how the richest one percent in this country have 99% of the wealth. The rich make the rules. Hell thats a rule in itself. I personally don't care that there are rich folk. I want to be one someday. What I can't stand is the fact that there is so much wealth in this country and it is spread in such a way to make sure that it stays right where it is. Bush is suceeding in getting rid of unions. He is suceeding in getting rid of overtime. He is suceeding in shipping our few good paying jobs overseas. We make nothing in this country. The only thing that survives in this country is the services. Thats why Walmart is the countrys biggest employer. Now they are even taking the higher paying service jobs away. I mean people were making 8 nine bucks an hours telemarketing. Now they can get Indians to do it for 10 bucks a day. Quadrupling profits and giving the shareholders boners the size of baseball bats. The problem is the shareholders are not the ones doing most of the working and paying and living and dying in this community. (A La It's a Wonderful Life!) It's the everyday person. The poverty level in this country for a family of 4 is anything below $18,400.00. I'll tell you right now I am barely getting by with a 40 grand salary in a economicly depressed area of Appalachia. I am doing well by peoples standards around here and I am living paycheck to paycheck. But at least I get a paycheck. In 2002 12.2 percent of Americans lived below the poverty line. That is just about 36 million people. So for me to think about 36 million people going to be without enough to eat or struggling just to keep the electric on... The minimum wage job makes 5.15 an hour. Care to guess what a full time minimum wage employee at Walmart makes? 10712 dollars a year. If the biggest employeer is paying wages below the poverty line.... You do the math.


The endless argument. I have searched and searched for a definative answer to this question and to this date I have not found one. I always get partisan rhetoric from one side or the other and it grows tiresome hearing about the accuracy of the AR and the reliability of the AK. Well I am going to compare the stats of each and let you decide. Even though I am going to give my opinion in the end. First of all lets decide what the criteria is going to be for the comparason. The rifles were built to be battle rifles. Plain and simple. They weren't meant to be varmint killers or anything else. They were meant to kill people in a battlefield environment so that is where the guns are going to be compared at. Not the range. Not off of the hood of your daddys chevy out on the plains. As you can see I have already stacked the deck against the AR. The AR-15 was designed with just a few stipulations in mind. It had to be .22 caliber, it had to be select fire, (full auto or semi) and it had to be able to penetrate a steel helmet at 500 yards. Pretty broad but in the light of what was around and available at the time an entirely new platform had to be developed. The M-14 was the best the US had in terms of a mainline battle rifle at the time. Of course it had short commings, such as being heavy, long, and utilizing a .308 round that had way too much recoil for full auto applications. Personaly I think the M-14 is the most beautiful rifle ever designed. All around it has no equal. But I am getting off on a tangent. The Army needed a short, compact, rifle that had little recoil, could hit targets out to 500 yards, was modular, and used the light, but potent, .223 cartridge. The Armalite AR-15 filled that description perfectly. Originaly the AR-15 was touted as not needing to be cleaned due to its chrome plated components. However that was with the expensive ammo that Mr. Stoner was using to test the rifle at the proving grounds. The Government decided to replace the expensive ammunition with a cheaper brand and send the rifle out to the troops. In the AR-15's first time out, there are stories of GI's being killed with their rifles dismantled in front of them trying deperately to clear the jams. Thus the bad rep for the AR began. Cleaning kits were sent out immediately and the problem for the most part was solved but the AR still was designed with very close tolerances and still proved to jam from time to time due to environmental and battlefield conditions. I have several former Army Buddies that contest that you couldn't fire the weapon more than 40 or 50 times before they would jam up. I find this hard to believe but that is what they say. Over the years the AR was improved and has developed an impressive resume`. But still the reliability issue nips at its heals. Now the AK-47 also had its share of growing pains, but it has not been dogged by its early failiers as the AR-15 is. The early AK-47s were constructed using milled parts but were too ridged and so the recievers cracked. This problem was corrected with the advent of a stamped sheet metal reciever. It made the weapon easier and cheaper to produce plus increased the reliability of the rifle. The Russian factories began cranking these weapons out to the rest of the world trying to export the revolution to the poor masses. It is estimated that there have been over 30 million AK-47s produced around the world. At the beginning of the Vietnam war to the surprise of the Know It Alls in Washington the Vietnames had the US Military outgunned (at the squad level) and out numbered. In Vietnam it was man against man. Tanks, airpower, technology had their effects greatly muted by the jungles and by politicians. Such is the nature of modern warfare. Just in time the AR-15 came in to save the day and in alot of ways did exactly that. The Russians were so impressed by the user friendly .223 caliber that they started their own program to develop a small caliber, highpower rifle cartridge. In 1974 they got it in the 5.45x39 AK-74. Too late to make an impact in Vietnam but used extensively in Afghanistan. It's interesting to note that many AR-15s were shipped back to the USSR but the design of the AK-74 remained almost exactly the same as the AK-47. The Russians, being notorious copycats when it came to weapon design, largely ignored the AR-15. In Afghanistan the 5.45x39 caliber proved its metal against the Mujahadeen with great effect. The .223 AR-15 is still maligned for its lack of stopping power. In Vietnam, Afghanistan, Somalia, Iraq War 1 and 2, everywhere it goes, it is said that with the AR-15 you hit your target but with little or no visible affect. With the M-14 or M-1 the targets went down when hit. Of course you are dealing with a .30 caliber bullet that is 3 times the size of the .223. But the 5.45x39 cartridge of the AK-74 does not have this problem. The answer is that the 5.45x39 cartridge is designed with an airpocket in the nose of the bullet that is stable when in flight but upon impact moves forward destabilizing the projectile and causing it to tumble almost immediatly. Or just over two inches into the body or limb. The .223 bullet travels almost 6 inches before it begins to tumble. When you are shooting at malnourished Somailis the bullets are just passing through the little skinny bastards bodies before causing any massive trauma. So I know what you are saying. You are saying that I am comparing two different rifles to the AR-15. Well not really. If we are comparing the AK-47 of the 60's to the AR-15 of the 60's the AK wins hands down. Of course the weapons have morphed over the decades into much better killing machines than they ever were at their inception. So to compare the M4-A2 (AR-15) to the 100 series (AK-47) of today you see two rifles that are solid performers on the battlefield. If I was going to take a rifle to the range I would immdiately pick the AR-15. The reason would be because of the percieved notion that the AR-15 is more accurate than the AK. Not true. The most likely cause of the inaccuracy of the AK is crappy ammo. The ammo fed to AR-s has to be good stuff or it won't cycle. While the AK eats Wolf, Silver Bear, Bulgarian, don't matter. If you put match ammo in an AK it performs very well in comparison to the AR. So it really is up to the user what he wants to shoot. If you want to shoot prarie dogs then the AR-15 is the rifle for you. If you want to keep your ass alive when being pinned down by Iraqis in a gutted burned out building, I'd take the AK variant of your choice. Was I objective enough? Reading over this it don't look like it does it! :)