Saturday, May 27, 2006

Marines discrace their heritage in massacre

I get misty every Veterans day when I watch the guys storming the beaches of Normandy. When I watch the Iwo Jima beach landings and Mt. Sirabachi. (that aint spelled right I know that) When I hear about KheSahn, and the city of Hue in Vietnam it always gets to me. These servicemen in the armed forces have a heritedge that is filled with honor and sacrifice. Something that you think would inspire those that followed in their footsteps to truly be "All They Can Be". What happened in Haditha, Iraq threatens to smear all of those who served in Iraq. Even to a greater extent than Abu Garibe. Much like all the guys in Vietnam being labled baby killers due to a few incidents, the massacre of 24 men women and children threatens to taint the image and endanger all of those over in Iraq right now. 24 civilians were murdered in their homes. Several children were shot draped over their parents trying to sheild them. This was not just a crime of passion. These guys went to 3 different houses. You'd think after you went to the first house, blew some screaming children away, something in your brain would click and you'd come to your senses. Not these guys. They just kept going until everyone was dead. What really gets to me about this incident, which is still under investigation, is the savagry of it. These people were butchered. Little girls, little boys, old men, it didn't matter. Even by Marine accounts, the people killed had only one gun between them. If you went into 3 American houses there would likely have been more guns so that's not an issue. Or it shouldnt be anyway. I realize that this incident is subject to the fog of war. But many of the other incidents of friendly fire, were explained away. Ignored. This time, there is videotaped footage. If it ever leaks, they know that they affects would be devestating to the American credibility over in Iraq. I hope it turns out to not be true. I however can't see how they can justify the killings. I hope those that purpetrated this crime are tortured by it for the rest of their lives. Yeah they were Iraqis but they love their children. They don't want to die. If they were so happy at dying, why the hell do they seem to be in such pain after one of their own is killed. They want to live, just like you and me. Their love for their children is just as deep as ours. They love their fathers and mothers as we would. They aren't animals. Somehow that's the idea people have gotten. And that's why incidents like this happen.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Separation of powers my ass

I love how congress is scurrying into their holes after the FBI found 90 grand in a Louisiana Senators Washington office freezer. What is bad is that this guy is supposed to be from the Peoples party. Hes a Democrat for Gods sake. This asshole kept the bribery money even after all the heat that congress has taken in the last few months. What is even more aggravating is that it seems the entire congress is trying to back this guy and stop the investigation. You wanna know why? Because they know all their asses are on the chopping block. Every damn one of them are corrupt. The people with their hands in the cookie jar seems to have no bounds. The fish rots from the head down. Here it certainly appears to be the case.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

OOOOdles of BS to myself

As I am sure that I am speaking to myself, I still like to write crap in here. I mean the bots need something to read don't they? Anyway, Pat Robertson is up to his old hijinx. He is claiming that God told him that the United States Northwest was going to get hit with storms! The American Northwest being lashed by STORMS!!! He's really going out on a limb there! I mean doesn't it rain like 300 days a year in the American Northwest? It's kind of like predicting the sun will probably come up tomorrow. By the way, I looked at the weather report this morning for Northern California and it's raining like the dickens! Good call Pat. The Dixie Chicks are at it again. Their new album is being panned by Bush lovers everywhere. You remember when they had the audacity to go overseas and tell people that ....and I quote....."Just so you know, we're ashamed the President of the United States is from Texas." Wow. Absolutely earth shattering. There was a great wailing and gnashing of teeth all across the bible belt. Number one, I am not a Dixie Chick supporter. I hate their music. I think its fuckin mind numbing. What I do like is people to be able to speak freely as long as they aren't lying. These people thought the Dixie Chicks were great. But bust on the pres? Overseas??!! OH NO YOU DIDN'T!!! Now all of a sudden these darlings that they loved so much are hideous bitches. I am told that it would have been ok if they had said it over here at a county fair or something, but to take it to another country and say it. That was just tooo much. You actually expect me to believe that crap. These idiots are reacting much like Pavlovs dog. It don't matter in what circumstance, no matter what reason, if you make fun of their Bush, they are gonna get all bent out of shape. The fact that he is doing such a shitty job and they are still supporting him, just shows you that they don't fucking care about our country, our direction, or our position in the world. They still think everyone has to suck our cock because we saved Europe in WW2. Let me let you in on a little secret. We didn't set foot on European soil until the war was almost over anyway. Yes we hastened the end. Yes we had a major role in the victory. Yes I'm proud of that role. But if we keep calling in favors, our buddies are eventually gonna tell us to fuck off. We need to get back to the business of working with our friends and not dictating to them. With Chinas influence growing every minute, Russias meek resurgence, Indias rise, we need to cultivate our relationships much more closely. We can't just bribe people anymore. Other countries are getting some cash and power too. We need to start being diplomatic and get our house in order over here. If we continue to bully, and alienate our friends,(Canada, France, Germany, Britain), we will find ourselves alone. And as Iraq had taught us. Alone sucks.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Grays anatomy for the love of GOD!

All I know is that my wife just spent the last 5 minutes screaming at the TV. Some dude needs a heart so some nurse is gonna cut his cord to save his life and the doctor that is going to work on the dude just got shot in front of the hospital........................FUCK ME RUNNING! I don't get people fasination with bullshit that can never happen. Desperate Housewives, 21 Jumpstreet, Twin Peaks, fuck all that. TV sucks. It has always sucked in my life from the Cosby Show to Growing Pains it all blows. I don't watch TV. I watch movies and the history channel and that show that shows you how candy is made. Other than that I can't stand it. News included. Even the news anymore is pathetic. I don't read the paper. I don't watch the news. I don't watch TV. I live in a self imposed bubble. I watch Bill Maher. So TV is not all bad. Just 95 percent of it.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

People will be lining up for PS3?

You bet your sweet ass they will be. When the 360 went on sale the Walmart up the road they had 10 units. 10...... and my wife and her dumbassed friend sat in line for 10 hours to get one each. My wife wondered how much she could sell one on Ebay for. Well evidently there were lots of people doing the same thing. Half of those up there were buying them not for themselves but to sell on Ebay. I have read that the PS3 will be selling on Ebay for over a grand. Do you think I would stand in line for 8 hours to make 300 bucks? Well not me. I could make that at work, not sitting on my ass in some shitty Walmart. There are some that will go to any lengths to make money at over charging and cheating people. They get off on it. Anyway in a town of 50000 you have 10 the fuckin math. You think there is going to be a line? PS3 will be the same way. You will have your rich kids that get them because thats what rich people do. They buy expensive shit for their kids. Then you have the parents that are desperate to give their kids what they never had. Thats where I fall. I can't afford it but I may be tempted to get one just because I like to spoil the kids. Then you have the poor fucks that will eat tuna fish out of a can for a month just so they can save enough from the Welfare check to get one. Then you have the people that could care less. I personally will probably get a Nintendo Wii first. It will be tough to decide weather to get a 360 or a PS3. It really will.

Joshua Sparling........get a grip buddy.

Get a grip everyone. Some dumbass writes a letter to some non descript soldier over in Iraq telling him to die and people are getting all bent. Number one the stupid fuck that kept the letter (Im talking to you Josh) needs to not be so fuckin sensitive. I mean come on. You get shot but you can't take some card written in crayon. That was just too much I guess. Get the fuck over it. If you were as worried about the guys shooting at you as you are about the guy making homemade hate mail maybe you wouldn't have gotten shot in the first place. The only reason any of these fucks care at all is because Josh knows he's gonna get some attention now, and the NeoCon pro war fucks are gonna have something to beat anti war people over the head with. Only a very small number of anti war people wish any harm on the troops. I was one of those poor bastards over there and I don't remember anyone sending me JACK! If these assholes care so much, why did it take some cheap stunt to get them to acknowledge the troops existence? It takes more that a yellow ribbon to support the troops. They can stomach 2400 guys getting killed but someone making a card really chaps their ass! Screw all of you.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

World War Three about to start in video gaming

In the civil war of Atari and Nintendo, Nintendo with its NES system came out on top. Then came World War One. The evil Sega with its black console and smartassed Sonic the Hedgehog, was actually winning the war for a while. In the end however, it was Nintendos stranglehold on the developers and Segas "roundeye" stupidity that did them in. Nintendos height came with the SNES. Their reich lasted what seemed like a thousand years. Ah.... The good old days. Then came Sony and their Playstation. Or should I call it by it's real name. The Nintendo Playstation. Yes as you may or may not know, Playstation started out in the development labs of Nintendo. Nintendo didn't want to use the disk format because of the ease of piracy and told Sony to take a walk. They did. Right to the bank. Playstation pretty much stomped the Sega Saturn, even though the Saturn beat it hardwarewise. The 3d Video game Revolution had begun. The N64 was solid but sold nowhere near the consoles that Playstation did. This was like the Spanish American War and Playstation won by a landslide. At the beginning of World War 2 you had three consoles vying for the hearts of American youth everywhere. Again Playstation had the gagets and the games that the majority wanted. They had the games where people said "fuck". Nintendos Gamecube, while an honest effort lagged behind. Far behind. What alot of people don't know is that the Gamecube actually beats the Playstation 2 powerwise. It is limited however by the small 2.5 inch mini disks it uses. The xbox comes in second in sales but in actual profit lagged the other two. World War Two was all Sony. Now we have a pre emptive strike with the 360. For whatever reason the 360 is comming out wayyyyy ahead of the other two. Sony and Nintendo will do battle on about the same day in November 2006. I would say that Sony is going to get the jump on Nintendo this time and go before the stated launch date. People will shit themselves. This one is going to be the most interesting. All three systems are different. The Xbox is more about a mobile gaming system. You can include the phone and internet and all that crap wirelessly. Playstation is about making itself into an entire home entertainment system in one box. Nintendo is about making strictly a gaming system that exists solely to play games. Who will win? Who knows. What it will come down to is are a majority of people going to want to pay PC prices for games that they can already play on their PCs? If so Sony is golden. At least at first. Game titles will then come into play. The xbox 360 for whatever reason cannot come out with a decent array of titles. They blow their load with Halo. Halo really isn't that good. I played it on PC and I played the Multiplayer. The single player gets old real fast. The multiplayer sucks. Then the wildcard of the bunch. The Wii. What a crappy name. Anyway the Wii has some features that are going to be bad assed if they are free. I will pay 300 bucks gladly for a Wii if the game downloads are free. The controller will have to be something special. People have really liked it but say it is kind of difficult to get used to. Isn't that what they were trying to avoid. Didn't they want their controller to be intuitive and easy to use? Oh well. Well see. It is going to get interesting. We may be seeing Nintendos last major push into the console wars. Or we may be witnessing a new era in video games. Xbox could very well take over the number one spot and hold it as could Nintendo. Only time will tell. The system that everyone wants will be the flavor of the month. The one that can deliver the good games that people want to play is the one that we will be talking about a year from now.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Sean Hannity you stupid little man

Today I was told by, Mr. Sean Hannity, that I was being duped by the mainstream media. The news in Iraq is not really as bad as they make it out to be. The gas prices, while high, are being trumped by a roaring economy. That unicorns are real........I made that last one up but I figured a unicorn would make his fairy tale complete. I am not retarded Sean. To tell me that Al Quada is having a tough time in Iraq is a foregone conclusion. The Iraqis are killing each other by the thousands! In the last 3o days there have been 1100 Iraqis men and women executed! Is that a product of the mainstream media? Did they create this story or did they just merely report it? Hummmmmm. In Seans little brain it reads like this..... a group of Army Rangers constructed a playground in Iraq today. Bubble gum and balloons for the kidies! In other irrelivant news, 39 people were found executed in a pit outside Bagdad.....Now to Sean the mainstream media is totaly ignoring the fact that the US army has indeed repaired the amusement park/county fair that they blew the hell out of and are focusing on the negative aspects of civil war like executions, and destruction. Then he goes and bags on the media once again. You know, the media that he is a part of? He says that they are not telling the story of the roaring economy. The mega millions being made! The blacks that are buying houses! He tells us that consumer confidence last April was the highest it has ever been! My God! My piece of the pie is out there just waiting for me to take hold of it! You can just go out and shovel up baskets full of cash! Gas prices out of hand? Hell no! We like paying 3.50 for gas. It cuts down on useless trips to the grocery store to buy 3 dollar a gallon milk. Get on your bike and ride you obese American piece of lazy crap! Man I was fired up. My ship was getting ready to come in. Then I realized I was listening to an asshole. Gas is my single biggest daily expense other than my house. I spend more for gasoline a month that I do for food. I spend more money on gas than I do on electric, gas, water, sewage, cell phone, or cable. Does that affect my household? You bet your ass it does. Does it make a fuck to me weather Pedro or Tyrone get to buy their first house? No. Does it help me to know that Stock Dividends are not being taxed as high? No because I don't have the spare income to buy fuckin stock! Does it help me to know that consumer confidence is up and unemployment is down? Not really. So all this "good" news is the kind that really doesn't affect me. So who fuckin cares. Does the bad news in Iraq affect me? Not really, but at least with that news I know that the dickhead that caused it is going to have a rough time with it. If Iraq succeeds then it will become a warped US policy of preemtive invasion and occupation. I think at this point, Bushs policy of preemptive invasion has hit a wall. I don't think this is a policy for the ages. The point has been made. It was dumb policy driven by idiotic machismo and greed. Right now success is going to be determined on weather our guys can get out of there with Bushs dignity intact. I say cut the strings on the Iraqi army. Get our guys out of there. Support them with our planes. Let them do as they will to put down the uprising and get this occupation over with. We just started building the largest US embassy in the world over in Bagdad. Thousands of employees. We are never leaving now. We'd better get used to the bad news out of Iraq because we have signed on for the lonnng haul.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Playstation 3 is gonna bomb

Yes I have said it. I have said it because of many reasons. Number one. The new PS3 just came out with it introductory price. $600 dollars. Nintendo? 200. If you laid out a PS3 out in front of me and a Nintendo Wii........Yeah its called Wii.............UGGGHH!!!!..........Revolution was kick ass why the hell they call it the Wii is beyond me. FUCKIN STUPID!!!! anyway.......I would pick the 200 dollar system. Nintendo is gonna come out with some killer games. PS3 is so fuckin expensive, that it is going to limit buyers. Consequently there are going to be less games sold. Developers have to know this. Every game PS3 comes out with is going to have to be huge sellers or they will never sell enough games to make any fuckin money. You know what you are going to see alot of? Ports of PC games. I weep for these guys. Not really. Im laughing my ass off.

David Blaine better stop teasing me

Every time I think I am going to be rid of that fuckin asshole he ends up living. If someone told me that I could make millions by staying in a damn tank of water for 5 days you can bet your ass I would be asking for the location of the nearest fish bowl. I am not impressed.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Ok Now Bush got Bitchslapped

Steven Colbert stood up right in front of GW and ran over him over and over and over again. Amazing how he had the balls to do it for like 20 minutes. I am impressed.

Rumsfeld just got bitchslapped

It really made me chuckle to see that prick squirm. I love it when they say things like, "Let him speak." Like they are being so gracious as to allow a person their god given right of free speech. This Mcgovern dude that totaly punked Rummy right there in front of all his supporters had his shit together. He didn't waffle. He was not passive. To the contrary he gave Donnie a right cross and then said "WHATS MY NAME!?" Of course Rumsfeld went into blame mode. It was Colin Powells fault. It was the CIAs fault. It was the Presidents fault? He actually blamed the president for the misconceptions that the American people had during the run up to the war. That's nuts! I do believe that he was involved but to absolve himself of any wrongdoing is insain. ANYWAY. The act of slamming Rummy was mere entertainment. What happened immediatly after that is what pisses me off. Some of the crowd took it upon themselves to escort these people out of the auditorium. Several elderly women who had banners ripped from their hands and then were basicly thrown out. These people are supposedly the "Moral Majority". At the Cindy Sheehan protests there were some people who had signs that weren't clear enough for the mob of buttfucks posted out there with the Anti Cindy protests. These guys were there supporting the anti Sheehan people but were attacked because the idiots misinterpeted their signs. If I was at a football game and there was a guy there that had the opponents jersey on, would I rip his shirt off and stomp on it? Of course not. Why the hell does this political bullshit give some people the impression that they can act like dickheads? Ripping signs out of old ladys hands and wrenching their arms behind their backs, dragging them out into the street. Rummy needs to answer the fuckin questions. He owes us that much. I think people forget that we all pay these fucks salaries. If I ask the fucker a question, he better god damn well answer me honestly. Just because I think this administration is corrupt, and moraly bankrupt does not make me less worthy to get an answer.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Moussaui Jurors made the tough decision

I personally think that Moussaui should burn in the hottest pits of hell for his deeds. You will hear alot of talking head assholes that this jury was spineless and liberal. You will hear that they were swayed by some activist judge to allow this man to live. To borrow a phrase from Dickens. Today that have done a far better thing that they have ever done. Well I kinda borrowed it from Dickens. You get the point. They have essentialy given us all the vengence that we could have never gotten from electrocuting that piece of shit. We get to watch him rot in jail and suffer for the next 50 years. We should be revelling. In the end God will punish this man, and this is how it should be. These jurors have shown a courage and a strength that is unfathomable. They know that this verdict will be controversial. They know it will be met with great crying and gnashing of teeth. But they did it anyway. Mr. Moussaui will get his devine punishment. He's just going to have to suffer at our hands for a long time in order to get it. I can live with that.

Monday, May 01, 2006

The "Immigrants" can officially fuck themselves

Ok. I have heard it. This nation was built by immigrants blah blah blah. Well in case you haven't noticed, it's not the 1890s. We don't need any railroads built. What we do need are these self entitled assholes to get the fuck out. I really don't give a shit if some rich fucks won't be able to find nannys. I really don't care if the apples get to be 5 bucks a piece. I really don't care if some poor fuck from Mexico starves to death. I really don't. I have to worry about me and mine. They wouldn't give up their families well being for mine so I will be damned if I am going to be forced to accept these leeches into our backyards. Am I racist? No. What I am is tired of people comming here thinking that we owe them a living. There are enough Americans out there that think that way already. We need a wall. We need to enforce our borders. If borders were not important, then we wouldn't have them now would we? We need to stop these buisnesses from hiring people just because they are free to take advantage of them. Any factory that shut down today because their illegal immigrant population of workers did not come in, need to be shut down and the owners fined. Fined so heavily that they will lose their fortunes.

Rush Limbaugh gets typical star treatment

Rush Limbaugh, and all of those that support him are proclaiming they have been vindicated. That they have been exonerated. That all the three years of investigation have been for nothing and they have been found innocent of all charges. Well that isn't exactly the case. Innocent people do not pay over 30,000 dollars in fines. Innocent folks do not have 18 months of court supervised addiction treatment. Innocent folks do not get their fingerprints and mug shot taken. Well in Rush's case it was a smug shot. His chubby countainance literaly BEAMING in his police photo. Why does this portly pundant seem so happy? Well he just got done fucking the entire Palm Beach County Sheriffs department in the ass. The tragedy in this is the blantant fact that equallity does not exist in this country. That fairness is a fantasy. Rush should have been tried. He should have had the punishment that all drug trafficers get. Yes I said trafficer. He had such a massive quantity of illegaly purchased perscription drugs that it was sufficient to be charged for distribution. Well if he was a normal person anyway. But instead we default back to the crap of calling Rush and setting up a convienient time for his arrest. Blowing him through the system in less than an hour and having his fat toushy planted firmly back in his lazy boy by 10 AM. Everyday the ideals that made America great are being assaulted. Equality. An honest days pay for and honest days work. Fairness. Standing up for the little guy. We're in a terminal downward spiral and noone seems to care, me included. I just wish we would hurry up and hit bottom so we could start over.