Monday, January 30, 2006

Indigo Children are begging to be pooped on

Indigo children...................what the hell is this crap!? When I first saw it, I thought it was some kind of Psychic Friends garbage, but evidently there are packs of parents out there that have brainwashed their children into thinking they have supernatural powers. You know. The village of the damned type shit. Being able to see auras around people. Reading minds. Having exceptional talents like.........playing the piano? Wow. Pardon me if I am less than impressed. There are evidently special schools that take these children and nurture their "skills". Now on the Indigo Children website they talk about what these children are. Evidently these children just showed up. That is there haven't been any in previous generations. Most are typicly under 8 years old. Most if not all seem to me to be white. Funny isn't it. Anyway. They say something about them being overly sensitive and their auras being of an Indigo color and that it's typical of the Third Eye of Chakara...... now this is starting to sound kinda quacky to me. It goes on to say that they are wise beyond their years and are academicly gifted, gifted in the arts, very empathetic, possibly very cold and callus. It says they are misdiagnosed as bi polar and with ADD. Then to help all these parents out they give a list of criteria that indicates that their child may INDEED be one of these superkids. Some of the obvious indications that they list are, 1. Did your child enter the world acting like royalty........... I can't comment on this because I don't know what the fuck it means. 2. Does your child feel he/she deserves to be here..........again no clue. 3. Does your child have trouble with authority...well on this note I can say that my children must be mega indigos because they won't listen to a fuckin word I say. It goes on....... does your child find standing in line to be torture.....? Well didn't they have rope lines at the Inquisition? Go to any bank and you will always see some poor bastard standing there with a kid swinging/knocking over/unhooking the ropes. All kids/adults/human beings hate lines. Are you fucking kidding? They aren't. Does your child refuse to submit to guilt trips? Does your child refuse to do what they are told.... ie "Do your homework or I'm gonna beat ya!" Does your child have intuition? Does your child have wise looking eyes? What the fuck?! Come on! These people are on dope. They are raiding their own childs Ritalin stash. Anyway there are alot of questions and if you answer yes to 10 of them then your child is probably an indigo if they answered 15 yes then definately. For one thing most of the questions have no answer. They are opinions of crap that most people don't even believe in. Like do you think your child is psychic? I for one believe the world is full of psychos but I have yet to meet one single psychic. That's not to say there aren't any I just find the entire concept dubious. I understand that parents want to be proud of their children. I love when my kids do well and succeed and I hurt when sometimes they fail. As a parent when your child "fails" at something you feel like you did something wrong or didn't give them what they needed to achieve. As a normal person I try and find solutions to the problem so that when presented with the dilemma again the child is better equipped to cope and given the best possible chance of success. What these people are doing is looking for excuses that ARE NOT THEIR FAULT! If their kids are doing badly in school its obviously because they are an Indigo child and are superior to other kids! It's not their fault! The math they are doing is too structured and they would be better suited working on a sculpture or developing cold fusion! My childs behavior problems are simply explained! He bucks authority due to his infinite understanding of the universe due to his being an Indigo child. Not because he's a spoiled brat! Well these parents need to get a fuckin grip and begin not to make excuses for their child being "misunderstood". I feel sorry for these kids. They are being predisposed to being weird. Looking at superstition and the paranormal as normal conditions of the planet. Auras and PKE meters. There are links to Tarot cards and Orbs on their site so you can see where these people are comming from. They have no physical or scientific evidence to what they are passing as fact. It's like Cleo or Deon Warwick and her Psychic Fiends network. Dumbasses money spends just as good as anything else I guess. Cash that check you fuckin assholes.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Global Warming is gonna hurt the economy

We have a problem that our illustrious jackass president seems to be ignoring all in the name of the almighty dollar. Now I know there are many problems that the president turns a blind eye to in the name of profits, but the most serious is that of Global Warming. All scientific types have proven that the Earths base temperature has increased 1 degree over the past century. Now like most Americans you are probably thinking, "Big fuckin deal". Well that's because like most Americans, you are also probably retarded. This is a big assed planet, and you have to do a whole lot of damage for us to affect the planet on a global scale. Not to mention that 1 degree is huge. Alot of leading scientists are pointing to an acceleration of the process. A shift by as little as 4 degrees could have disasterous affects. Imagine the oceans currents shifing. The gulfstream disappearing. This planet is extemely resilient, but once things reach a certain, it will be close to impossible to set it back straight again. That inlies the debate. Is this something that we should be worried about now, or like Bush do you want to bide your time and push your luck and take the chance that thousands of people much smarter than all of us are all wrong. Bush don't care because he thinks all he has to do is get Pat Robertson to get God on the phone and he can straighten it all out. I personally don't think we can afford to take the chance. It's like quiting smoking. You don't know how much good it's going to do you, but you know that it can't hurt. People get all excited when the pres starts talking about the cutting greenhouse emissions harming the economy. Noone is ever really specific as to what that means but they tell us it's bad. What it will be bad for is the CEOs will have to get the 75 foot yacht instead of the 100 footer. Actually that's not true. The CEOs will be the last to feel the pinch. I for one don't believe that it will have much effect at all. When the restricted Freon, everyone was talking about how it was gonna cost 5000 dollars for a fridge and that it was gonna ruin the economy. Well what it did was force the industry to invent a Freon Free refridgerant. And they did and the economy is fine. CFC were reduced and scrubbers were installed on powerplants. The economy is fine. Now we have to make the big step. Get rid of the fuckin internal combustion engine. Now this is where the politicians prey on the general publics fear and stupidity. They start saying that all the car companies are gonna be put out of business costing American jobs and killing the economy.... can you give me a little bit of a fucking break. I have figured this all out on my own so I hope that other people can do this also. IF WE ARE THE INNOVATORS AND MAKE A NEW KIND OF ENGINE THAT DOES NOT USE GAS CAN YOU IMAGINE HOW MUCH MONEY WE"D MAKE??? Christ! And who do you think is gonna build the fucking cars? The fucking automakers! They won't be getting put out of business. They will be CREATING A NEW FUCKING MARKET!!! And not only that. We will be saving our future! FUCKING GRAVY ALL AROUND! But no. These fucks who have the oil like to keep the money centralized. They can't bear the thought of having to lose their gravy train to save their great grandchildrens lives. Selling out the future just so they can be rich today. And Republicans are leading the way. The Democrats are no better. They could impose their views and ideas on the American public and at least give it a voice, but we only get half hearted BS from them. They are just as deep in it as anyone else. So we sit and slowly strangle the human race. This planet is gonna be here long after were gone. That is some solice. At least I know that the planets future is secure in knowing that we are going to wipe ourselves out.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Homos in the 82nd Airborne? HAHAHA!

Although I knew always that there were homosexuals in the military, it makes my heart sing to see that they are also in the 82nd airborne. I knew that they were but I never actually had proof. Until now. I just find it funny. The homos are everywhere! The conservatives are barring their doors and hiding under their beds right now lest their son touch one and turn into a flag waving, torch carrying, pink pump wearin homo! HAHAHAHAH

Friday, January 27, 2006

Democracy as long as we like who's elected

Well democracy has a funny way of biting you in the ass. Especially when you are dealing with the middle east. We sit around and think Democracy means malls and big cars. Well Democracy actually means the people getting to pick whatever they want! And the people in Iraq have been manipulated. We feed them choices that we like that way no matter who they pick we like it! Now if you put democracy on it's own. Without our influence. You get Hamas running Palestine! I fuckin love it. You gotta love democracy! Now the Bush administration has to choose their words very carefully. I mean this is what they are trying to spread! DEMOCRACY!! The word has an almost cliche` quality to it. Considering how fucking often Bush uses it in long, run on, uninteresting, sentences. I predict Hamas to drop it's blowing up of buses now. It's hard to be the head of state and blow up buses at the same time. They will start to get money from governments around the world, including us. The money will make them corrupt and they will sell out to their beliefs. The will be just like Arafat. They will sit on their asses, some other militant group will rise up, intifada, jihad, BOOM! And the cycle continues.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Don't feed the Bill O'reilly

God as if it weren't bad enough, now we have to listen to this fuck go on and on about how HE shaped the judicial system in Vermont with just his sheer WILL! Now I really hated the fact that that guy was getting off pretty easy. I mean the judge makes sense in what he was saying. Pointless to send a pedofile to prison for umpteen years if he's just going to get out and still be a threat. I mean you might as well just put the .357 Mag to their brainstem and make a wish right? Well that's what they should do but in our so called "society" we can't do that. Well Bill and his buttfuck friends over at Faux News are going to take credit for Standing up for JUSTICE!!! and getting this done. This will only encourage this assholes narcissistic behaviour. He launches these crusades and usually without question, they are beyond pointless. The way he has launched into Hip Hop music. More than likely he just doesn't like the music, moreover, black people in general. He wants people to not drink Pepsi because they use Ludacris as their spokesman. He wants us not to buy anything French due to him not liking France. What most Americans don't know is that the French have their little fingers in alot of American staples. From BF Goodrich to Michellin. From Car and Driver to Parents Magazine. From Nissan to Motel 6, the French own it. You probably ate, rode on, wore, or read something French today and didn't even realize it. Your really making a dent Bill. You ignorant fuck. You want to boycott someone who don't like us? Stop driving your fucking car. The French are fucking harmless. We don't get all pissed at Norway for not sending money and troops to Iraq. We just use France as some kind of hostility magnet because we know that alot of Americans hate the French and we want to paint those that disagree with us with as unfavorable a light as possible. As if France would dedicate its superior military might to the Iraq problem and it would have made any difference. We are better off with them at home! At least we don't have to count on them for anything. This is just more evidence at how easily Americans can be manipulated. God we're retarded.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Second Hand Smoke Myth

I'm the first person to admit that smoking is bad for your health. I believe that second hand smoke in a car or heavy smoking in a house for a long period of time is harmful to children. That's why my wife and I will not smoke with our kids in the car and we smoke on the front porch. Lung cancer, mouth, and throat cancers. Yeah I can buy it. Smoking contributes to those. But colon cancer? Come on. In fact I have heard that not only does smoking increase your chances at getting colon cancer, it also increases your children and childrens children in getting colon cancer..... Now how the hell can they know that. That is unless there has been a study going on for the last 80 years that I'm not aware of. Back in 1992 the EPA came out with a statement that second hand smoke kills 3000 people every year. This was BEFORE the EPA had finished its research. They were just guessing. In 1993 their study could not produce 3000 deaths so they just increased their margin of error for the study and that made the 3000 deaths statement true. Or at least twisted to fit the truth that they had created. I am all for keeping cigarettes out of the hands of kids. It's a dirty addictive habit that all people would be better off without. HOWEVER!! That is not what America is about. The world would be better off without porn, guns, alcohol, etc. too but you won't see this guy mounting any crusade to ban them. I think that people should be allowed to smoke. I believe that they should enforce the littering laws and keep people from putting butts everywhere but people should be allowed to smoke outside if they so choose. This crap about banning people from the streets and parking lots is a bunch of crap. Public land is land that the People have paid for. If I want to responsibly smoke in a park then god damnit I should be able to. If I want to smoke at the beach then I should be allowed. I figured that was going to be it for the nonsmoking crowd. Turns out there is still money to be made in the anti tobacco fight. The lawyers and stupid fucks of the world are going to squeeze this turnip until it shits. People are now suing, (and winning) due to second hand smoke exposure. Now there was a study done not too long ago that said that waitresses in bars are exposed to the equivalent of smoking 6 cigarettes in a years time. Now wait a minute. There was some bitch on the radio who just told me that second hand smoke is the 3rd leading cause of death in America. Wait a minute. 1. Heart disease. 2. Cancers. 3. Second Hand Smoke?! Do they think we are retards? Oh wait. Most of us are. Thats the only thing that explains Faux News, Rush Limpbald, and reality TV. I don't advocate smoking. What I demand is not to be lied to or to be treated like a fucking dunce. Tell me the fucking truth. Don't come to me in the name of saving peoples lives with the intention of making obsene profits. If some stupid fuck wants to smoke and jeapordize his health then let them do it. We don't have crusades of people against skydiving. I would say that the deathrate for those who skydive is much higher than people who smoke. Or drive a fucking car for that matter. Driving a car is the most hazardous thing people do in their entire lives with the exception of the crab fishermen up in Alaska evidently, and noone gives a rats ass! Accidents, in case you are wondering, is the third greatest cause of death in the US. All this time we have been eliminating causes of death. People don't die of small pox, anymore. People stopped dying of the plague. No more skurvy or rickets or mumps. So these lawyers make up reasons to sue deep pockets like say, Phillip Morris! Thousands of peoples lives are ruined and in fact ended by alcohol every year but noone is suing them. It's time is comming unfortunately.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Seahawks are pretenders

I am going to say it here first. I am going to be the first to say that the Seattle Seahawks better hope that Pittsburgh is off their game come Superbowl Sunday, because if the Steelers are ready, there ain't no way in hell Seattle is going to beat them. I say this because of a couple of reasons. I used to sit and watch my Atlantic 10 Mountaineers cream everybody. They would kill St. Bonaventure. They would bash St. Joseph. They would bump Temple around. Then they would go to the NIT or the NCAA finals and get waxed by the Eastern Kentucky Hilltoppers. Or go down to Old Dominion. You know why? Because of strength of schedule. A team can only play as good as it's competition for the most part. Marshall is all the time spanking around Kent State, and Akron. Go and try that shit with the last place SEC team. Ole Miss will beat Marshall 9 times out of 10. West Virginia just took on UCLA at UCLA. Walked all over them for almost the entire game. Just breezed through. Why? Because West Virginia plays against the best everytime out in their conference. UCLA is the first place team in the PAC-10 but can't hold a candle to the Mountaineers. That is going to be the Seahawk problem. They play in a weak ass conference. Arizona. The prennial loser. Haven't been in a playoff game since Neil St. Louis! San Franciso. The last thing they won was Alex Smith and that was for being the biggest loser in the NFL last year. And last and almost least. The Rams. They were the cream of this mediocre crop of wanna bes. At the top you have Seattle. A team that has been comming on for years now. And comming, and comming, and comming..............FINALLY they get to the playoffs. 1984 was the last time they got in. I was 10 years old. I remember them getting their asses kicked by the Los Angeles Raiders. Or thats how I remember it anyway. Sean Alexander has not faced a defense like this all year. They played a good Washington team..........and lost. They played a good defense in Dallas and they won that one. Otherwise............pretty much nobodys and also rans. San Fran twice. Cardinals twice. St. Louis twice. Now you can make the case that Cleveland and Baltimore are in Pittsburghs conference. Clevelands schedule was a hell of alot harder than Seattles. They played the Bengals twice, the Steelers twice, Indianapolis during week 3 when they weren't sitting half their team, and Chicago. Not to mention 2 tough interconference matchups with the Ravens. Seattles strength of schedule is something like 27th. Thats cremepuff. I have not had any respect for Matt Hasselback ever since I let the computer pick my team in Madden and he ended up as my quarterback. He was terrible. Usually it doens't matter who is quarterbacking in Madden just sling it and someone will catch it. With Mr. Hasselback at the controls my teams languished and didn't make the playoffs. That's my only reason. For years the man has been a punching bag and I hear about now how he's almost Jesus. Seattle has a good running game and an average passing attack. Smack Alexander around a little and he'll cough it up. Pittsburgh has faced some of the best running backs in the NFL this year and none of them have done squat. Alexander will be no different. This game is going to get blown open. Neither team has the ability to score alot of points and each defense feeds off of playing with a lead. If either team gets much of a lead on the other its curtains. The team playing from behind will have to do things that are going to get them in trouble and the defense will capitalize on the forced mistakes. That is Pittsburghs game. Control the tempo. Sit on the lead. Seattle is toast.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Kid needs to lighten the fuck up.

Some stupid fuckin kid wears a Denver Broncos jersey to school two days before the AFC championship game in Beaverfalls Pennsylvania and then expects not to take some razzing? Grow the fuck up kid. Quit your fukin cryin! The teacher evidently made the kid sit on the floor and take a test. He also told the kids to throw paper balls at him and called him a stinkin Broncos fan. Now I must admit. Making the kid sit on the floor for a test is a bit extreme but! These things are never as simple as they are made out to be in the articles. There is always some underlying BS that we are not made privy to. Just like the judge in Vermont that gave a light sentence to the child molester. Sean Hannity makes it out like the guy is gonna be walking the streets in 60 days. Leaves out all the gory details that don't support his point. I do think its a BS ruling. The family deserves to have some kind of satisfaction. The state already took a fathers right to vengence away. So why not make the fucker stay in jail for about 10 years and THEN make him go to several years of rehab. Then if he does it again let the fathers go to work on him with a chisel and ball pein hammer. Then have his body dissolved in acid as not to allow his remains to foul the soil. Anyway I'm off on a tangent. Kid wearing a Broncos shirt to class in PA is like in that Die Hard 3 movie. You remember when the guy made Bruce Willis wear the sign through Harlem that said "I hate Niggers"? The guy did it cause he knew the native population would give Bruce a hard time! Well that kid was looking for a hard time. Evidently he got it! Hows it feel to have your wishes come true! Just like fuckin Disney World!


Let me start this by saying I thought the Denver Broncos are a class act. Their fans, their players, their coaches, everything, top to bottom showed these guys had alot of class. Now "class" is a word that is way overused especially in sports. Some people would say that Peyton Manning laying the blame on his offensive line, the line that protected his ass all season, was classless. I don't think that takes away from Peyton Manning having class. It just proves he's the asshole that I have always accused him of being. Adversity sometimes brings out the worst in people. (Talk about a cliche`!) As far as I'm concerned Peyton Manning has not done anything that I would call "classy". Denvers fans could have been assholes and thrown snowballs at the Steelers when they were getting their asses stomped. The Broncos could have started fights and let the frustration of the day get the better of them. The coaches could have tried to make excuses and blamed poor calls, and dirty play. They didn't. Just kind words and well wishes. Now things like that are forgotten. If Mike Shanahan was to say "Pittsburgh got lucky today" Now that would be written about and commented on for several days. The Colts people just made excuses for how they didn't play their best game. How the calls went against them. How the protection was bad. And then in the end say "Yeah and Pittsburgh played a good game." Yeah that was the least of it. Pittsburgh executed and you didn't. Plain and simple. Pittsburghs entire team stopped Manning and he made it his personal responsibility to try and bring them back. Only problem is one man can't do it. Manning is a good passer, but a poor quarterback. To be a good quarterback you need leadership skills and Manning is all about framing himself in history. He wants to get back what his father lost. No leadership required with that. In Cincinatti it was worse. "It was dirty what their guy did to Palmer". Marvin Lewis was talking about Rothlesberger crying? Chad Johnson says that they were the better team? Noone outside of Cincinatti and Phil Simms believed that Cincinatti was the better team. Cincinatti benefited from a 13 years of top draft picks and a defense that finally got off its collective nuts! In the end the bad form shown by the losers will be all thats remembered. Denvers graciousness will be forgotten, and that's a shame.

Saturday, January 21, 2006


I like guns. I really really, really, like guns. In fact this blog was supposed to be dedicated to the fuckin things but I have not gotten around to it. Now I bet your are asking yourself, "Self? I wonder what his favorite caliber is?" Well it's funny you should ask that because I am about to tell you! My favorite all around caliber is the .223. Now I know what you are saying. You are saying, "Is this fucker on crack?" A few years ago I would have said the same thing. The reason for my change is the fact that I now own a really nice .223 Rem and I really like it. My .223 is an AR-15 carbine. I bought it about 6 months ago and let me tell ya! You could really run some people off with it. It's light, it's high capacity, it's reliable and it's cool to look at. Most importantly all of these things added up give you a perfect survival rifle. I could carry it all day with 300 rounds of ammo, take out russian convoys, and be back in time for pig on a stick around the campfire. WOLVERINES!!!!!! Anyway. I have guns that I like better. My Beretta CX4 Carbine in 9mm is a much better close quarters rifle. 125 grains of hollowpoint humming at you at 1600 FPS is gonna leave a mark. Plenty of Cubanstopping power and in a much more housefriendly package than the AR. Much more controllable than a pistol and more predictable than a shotgun. Plus I like the 20 round mags the Beretta has rather than the 3 or 4 rounds you'd get in the Mossberg 500. My M1 Garand comes to mind as a favorite weapon. All the power and range you'd ever need. Plus if you ever feel like smashing someones skull, you'd know that you were more than prepared. Knowing that rifle has probably smashed a Nazi skull or two before is just gravy. Now on the pistol front I am kind of lacking. If I was to choose any pistol I wanted, it would be the Desert Eagle .44 mag. Nothing like facing down a Nicaraguan Death Squad with nothing but a fistful of steel. But alas the only thing I come packin is my Ruger P89DC 9mm. Now this baby is no slouch. It's built like a truck and comes in all varieties of hi cap mags from 10 to 30. I only have the 10s but I have 3 so I pretend I have one of the big ones. This thing is very accurate at 25 yards and closer. It shoots to the left but I know that so I simply adjust for it. Yeah it has adjustable rear sights but I never get around to fixing the damn things. I also have a CZ52. It shoots the capable 7.62x25 round. This bullet will plow through a bullet proof vest. It will also go through one side of a kevlar helmet and smile at you on its way out the other. Now bullets don't actually smile but my face does knowing that I have that capability in a nice pocket sized pistol. I have more rifles. But when it comes right down to it if you want to pick the most versitile rifle I have it will be those in the .223 or the 5.56 mm Nato. Mostly due to its availiability, power, light recoil, and inherant accuracy. If I am going to have a rifle that I can take with me into the woods and live with it will be my Bushmaster. My wife can shoot it, I can shoot it, my kids can shoot it and so far its duribility is not suspect in the least. I also have a Norinko AK74 . Its a .223 too. Its actually called a BWK 92 Sporter. Looks like an AK to me. So! If I am to take just ONE rifle and all the ammo I can carry into the woods while the Cubans are chasing me, it will be my AR. Didn't I say that already. Like 3 different times?

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I wipe my ass with David Blaines lame ass shit

Today I was at lunch and was almost brought to regurgitation listening to some guy go on and on about seeing that show street magic. "David Blaine is of the Devil"' he'd say. We'll this naive 40 something is one of the more stupid fucks at my work place. For whatever reason it seems that people that are in their late 40's having small children, his child is 4, they seem to me to be dumbasses. What the hell did they wait so fucking long for? Are they waiting to facilitate amazing careers? This guy is working for the railroad! Thats not it. He just didn't get married till he was old because he was an asshole. Now his wife, who is also 40 something and probably an asshole, is just getting around to having kids because no other man would impregnate her all these years. You see them all the time. There are several at my workplace. All of them seem to be about 20 to 3o years older than they actually are. I think it's due to them living with their parents till they were 35. Anyway! "David Blaine is from the Devil". Puuu fuckin leeze!!!! That mind freak guy wipes his ass with David Blaines crap. For one thing. It's on TV. How many times did he fuck his tricks up that people didn't see. Also that levitation thing? I have seen people do it that are every bit as good at it as Mr. Blaine. And by the way once I found out how it's done I discovered how fuckin LAME it really is. Downright gay! Now the mindfreak dude his crap I really don't know how he does it but I am convinced he's probably more full of shit than David Blaine due to him being even more over the top and melodramatic!

Monday, January 16, 2006

Now Peyton Manning can bite my ass..... INDEED!

Yes the Indy Colts lost yesterday. Lots of peoples football pools got knocked all out of whack because noone I knew, even die hard Steelers fans, believed that the Steelers were gonna win. Not even me! I knew one person that was convinced the Steelers were gonna win, but she was just a new fan to football. Watched her first game with intrest just a few years ago. She wasn't accustomed to Bill Cowers teams folding under playoff pressure. Not accustomed to the lofty hopes being dashed by 4 AFC Championship home loses. I was. And I had lost faith. Fortunately for me, and those near and dear, the Steelers smashed the Colts in front of God and everybody. Now I get to gloat for the first time in a long time. But wait! Denver next week. Everyone is saying that the Steelers should win and that they match up better against the Broncos than just about anyone. It's gonna be one of those games. Hopefully the officials don't try and over compensate for the stupidity and end up doing more harm than good. Now on to Mr. Peyton Manning. Tisk tisk young sir. Telling everyone that your team mates let you down with crappy protection. Boy I bet the love you for that! Possibly Manning might have called a shitty game? If I was a coach on the Colts, I would feel like such a shit. Manning pretty much runs the damn team. He calls the plays. Decides when to go for it or when the punt team should go on. He makes all the calls. Everyone else is just there to serve his needs. I'm sorry but Peyton is a stupid fuck. One man cannot manage the complexities of the game as it's happening. He's gonna miss certain aspects of the entire big picture. It's just like anything else. Teams work better when they WORK AS A TEAM YOU ASSHOLE! Let the offensive coaching staff take on the responsibility of calling plays! They can see all of what is happening on the field. They can see trends. They can notice tendencies better. They have more than 30 seconds to determine what is the right call. But no. Peyton feels that his micromanagement style is better. All that jumping around and waving his arms pisses me off. The funny thing is that he hardly did any of that audible, finger pointing, and arm waving yesterday. He could not keep up. Pittsburghs defense was constantly moving. They would press in on one side then jump out and press on the other side. They would feign blitz and then back off and only send 2 guys. They did this over and over again. Manning didn't know where it was comming from, or if it was comming at all. But when it came, it came like the THUNDER! And I was so happy. The officials almost fucked it all up with some bullshit interpetation of the rules. Just like the tucking rule. If a quarterback is throwing and drops the ball its a fumble. If he is in the process of tucking the instantly he becomes a runner and if he drops the ball ITS A FUCKIN FUMBLE!!!!!!! If Troy Polamolu intercepts the ball, while in midair SWITCHES FUCKING HANDS!!!! lands, turns over TWICE!!!!! gets up to run and then drops the ball.......ITS A FUCKIN FUMBLE!!!!!!! Now if the Colts had jumped on the ball when Troy had dropped it, it would have been Colts ball!! If Troy had not dropped the ball it would have never been an issue because he had intercepted the fuckin thing. It's a shame that the instant replay is being used as a last gasp. "Tony Dungy has to review this play because if they don't find something then this game is over." Thats crap. To review something even if you think its a slam dunk on the hopes that some kind of bullshit stupid ass official is going to have some bullshit stupid ass interpetation of the rules is, well, BULLSHIT!!!! Slowing everything down and watching the game in slo mo is crap. I think instant replays should be played in regular time. If you play something in regular time and see it from a dozen angles then you are gonna make the right call. Your not gonna see the guy stepping on a blade of grass that is out of bounds and your not gonna see the giggling ball as the receiver goes down. Did the guy catch it or not in real time. Make the fuckin call you JACKASS!!!! You can't judge how long a man has possesion in slow mo. It's all crap. All the calls that were reversed because of instant replay. This had made officials lazy. They feel like they make a call and then if its wrong they will be vindicated. Now they can't even do that. Can't even see a 370 pound man moving on the line of scrimmage. Alan Fanaca moved. The entire defensive line saw it and jumped offsides. If the official didn't throw a flag then it's OFFSIDES ON INDY YOU FUCKING MORONS!!!!!! A call had to be made there. They looked like stupidasses by just saying, "OK you guys just line up again we weren't paying attention." WHAT?!!!!!! ARE YOU CRACKED!!?? In retrospect it's better that they didn't call anything due to the fact that it benefited the Steelers. BUT, everyone knows that the guy responsible for that totaly flubbed and made them all look like shits. In closing. I would like to thank GOD for making the Colts kicker miss the field goal. That's the only explaination. God was watching. Now I don't think God is a Steelers fan. I just know that he hates injustice and if there ever was injustice done yesterday was it. He gave us one hell of a ride, but it all came out square in the end. Plus it gives us something to talk about till next week to pass the time.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Phil Simms can BITE my ass!!!!

Of all the gutless shitheads that do TV Football commentary, I think it is the ramblings of one Phil Simms that I detest the most. First and formost let me be fair. I hate Phil Simms for truly bullshit reasons but hate him I do. Bullshit reason number one. He hates the Pittsburgh Steelers. A few years ago when they were playing ........actually I forget who the Steelers were playing but you will listen anyway. This team was loosing to the Steelers by like 14 points and all day, all you could hear was how great the other teams defense was. And how great the other team played. Too bad they were getting their assed kicked Phil!!! You fuckin moron! Bullshit reason number two. His voice and commentary are for shit. I mean he borders on mentaly retarded when he speaks. "This is the turning point in the game right here." 10 minutes later...... "This is the point where this team wins or loses. " 2 minutes later........"This team has to stop them to have a chance." The Patriots had not scored a touchdown all fuckin day long today! They hurried up and scored one and all of a sudden Phil thinks the Pats are gonna sprout touchdowns out of their asses because they are down by 2 scores with 2 minutes left and the other teams got the fuckin ball! Yeah the Patriots had them right where they wanted them. They meant to get 4 turnovers turned into Denver points. It was all part of Belechicks plan! That fuckin genius! He talked on and on about how the Patriots got so much heart. Well mother fucker if I got paid millions of dollars a year to play ball I damn sure better have heart. All the heart money can buy! He kept talking about courage and heart. Ok courage is what it took to storm the beaches of Normandy. These guys don't need it. They make millions of dollars a year playing a kids game. Courage is hardly the words I'd use to describe it. So fuck the NFL, the officials, and Phil Simms. Most especially Simms.

We are no different than terrorists

Yes I have said it. For a long time I told myself that all the crap about people saying that were are terrorists were the voices of nonconformists, hippies and asshole extemists. Well what is the difference blowing up say the world trade center with American civilians inside, and blowing up a building with Pakistani civilians inside? The answer? Not a God damn thing! We don't do that crap! We are Americans. We are the good guys! We don't blow up buildings killing everyone on that block just to kill one man! We are better than that. These fucks that are in charge right now don't realize that. An innocent life is an innocent life no matter whos flag flies over their heads. Our reputation is being drug through the mud by these assfucks that are in charge. We have secret prisons. We imprison people without charge and without legal counsel. We blow up civilians indescriminatly. We are doing this all in the name of safety but in reality all this does is embolden our enemies. Recruits more of them! Makes others less sympathetic to our cause! These dickheads in charge have about as much sense as some drunk bully in a bar. They just throw their weight around without regard to who it hurts or who it pisses off. Only problem with that is that usually these bullies get their asses handed to them by someone who is sober and still has their wits about them. I say hurry up and kick our asses before we strike again. We can't continue to bully everyone around and ask them to live by standards that we can't live by ourselves. 911 was a wake up call. So far we are still in the stupor of showing everyone how tough we are. Alot of Americans like it. The same pricks that say that we should make a sheet of glass out of any country that doesn't agree with us. All of those people deserve what they get. Only problem is that we are gonna be drug down with them. America stood for something at one time. We once were a becon. Now we are a monument to hipocrisy.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Judge Alito and the entire confirmation process can KISS MY ASS!!!!!

For the love of God can we just let this be over! It's just like Saddam running for president in Iraq. It's a forgone conclusion that this little swine looking fucker is going to get confirmed. Democrats should just roll over and take it. For better or worse at least it would make it go by faster, and with as little bullshit as possible. It's just a gumscrape, jerk off session. The GOP will suck Alitos shrunken cock for a while then the Democrats get their turn to look shrill and bash the guy for a while. Then in the end they vote and Alito gets confirmed. Do we really have to go through it all? I've been sick of this since day one. The entire process supposedly has worth but in the end, the guy that Bushs string pullers want is the guy that is gonna get in there. Bush picked who he wanted in there, and Bushs brain trust all gave a collective, "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO NOW!!!!!???" Yes, Bush is too much of a dumbass to be allowed to do the picking on his own so the next contestant on, Let's fuck up America,..... Judge Sam ALito! COME ON DOWN!!! Alito is allegedly a suckup. He shined on the Reagan White House saying basicly he would believe whatever Reagan wanted him to if it would get him a job. He is also allegedly insensitive to women and minorities. He is also a member of some stuck up group of white alumnists at Princeton. The Concerned Alumni of Princeton University, alumni group. That would make him a possible racist and sexist. He probably is but then again most people are if you get down to brass tacks. I could go on and on about how Mr. Alito is a human being. We all have our faults and most of the problem of our political system is that we refuse to allow politicians to make mistakes. So they cover them up. Only the people who tell lies and have the money to cover them up can become politicians these days. That is what is rotten at the core of our burocracy. Alito is probably a cock. Hes most definatly right wing, and hes been groomed for this position for the last 15 years. There are forces at work here that will probably just add to the corruption of our legal system. People are always saying, "It may not be perfect but it's the best in the world." Bullshit. There are many ways to improve our legal system but you always have these assholes fuckin it up. One guy takes it too far and lets all childmolesters out of jail, then some other fucker turns around and tells some lesbian that they can't have a child! If there is only right and wrong, why does it take an 8 year degree to tell the difference? I personally think that laws should be written in lamens terms. Doctors have a law where they have to explain your condition to you in terms you can understand. Why the hell shouldn't law be the same way? I mean every one of us are required to understand and live by all these laws, but we can't understand them! Loop holes everywhere! Some states you can but others you can't! Most of it is left up to the interpetation of a judge! Screw that. People should get in trouble like you do speeding tickets. If your doing 45 in a 30 pay this much. Do this much time. No questions asked, do not pass go. If you want to go to court and challenge it you can. Go to court and tell the judge that the cop is wrong and you can prove it. If not write the court a check and be on your way. Molest a child? 20 years. No ifs ands or buts. Do it again? Get the chair. Rape a woman? Same thing. Repeat violent offenders who have kill someone? Life in prison. Screw around in prison, cause a riot, beat up a guard, or a fellow prisoner? Hang your ass! Drugs? Sentenced to a hospital until your addiction is under control and your clean. Get caught again? Jail for 5 years in a special facility for druggies. Get caught again? Get stuck in with the general population and stay there for life. NO IFS ANDS OR BUTTS. No I know what you are saying. You are saying, " Be carefull what you wish for. Someday it could be you or someone you love." Well I know that. I also know that if the world was like that, pretty soon people would be raised from the ground up to not do these things or they would suffer the terrible consequences. Good people would stay good and the bad apples would be weeded out. Some jackass drugdealer gets into jail and stays there, all the drugs that he was gonna sell are no longer on the street. Pretty soon the problems of crime would be settled, and capital punishment would skyrocket! Oh well. It's the cost of doing business.

Georgia can still kiss my ass!!!!!!

Reading over some Bulldog blogs. The funniest ones to read are the entries right before the Sugar Bowl. They are so fucking sure they are gonna win. HAHAAHAHAHAHAHAA. So smug. Then they bitch about well we won the last three quarters 31 to 10! Noone gives a shit who won the last 3 quarters ya ignorant fucks! Who won the game!? Not you guys! HAHAHAHAHA!! Oh well. It just adds to the fun of it all.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Now Cincinnati can kiss my ass!

I have listened to it for about a day now and it's getting really old. The Cincinatti Bengals for whatever reason will not stop crying about how the game would have been different if Carson Palmer had been in there. How Kimo Von Olhoffen is dirty and how the Steelers busted Palmers knee because they knew they couldn't win in "The Jungle"(EWWWW SCARY!) Well I am here to tell you that the Steelers have won 5 of the last 6 times in Cinci. Not only that but I think if I am correct they have won 13 of the last 15 meetings between the two clubs or something close to it. Pittsburgh for the most part beats the Bungles like a drum every time they play! So for them to be acting like its a big surprise that Pittsburgh beat the Bengals is fuckin hillarious! Everyone in Pittsburgh was jonesn' for a third meeting because most Steelers fans feel that Pittsburgh played a shitty game back in November. Funny thing was the Bengals played their hearts out and won by a touchdown. It was the second worst game Pittsburgh played all season and they still almost won. Carson Palmer hasn't really showed me anything. I guess if a team gets the first or second round pick in the draft for 9 years straight, and draw a weak schedule, eventually they are gonna have a winning season. But Palmer is just average. I seem to be the only person that seems to know this. John Kitna is a whole lot less than average. He sucks. Phil Simms yesterday kept telling us all that he was this great leader on the Seahawks and with the Bengals. Yeah Phil. He's Johnny Unitas incarnate. That's why he played as backup on two loosing football teams for the last 9 years. Sorry. I'm wrong. He was a starter for 6 of those seasons. On loosing teams! He's a fuckin bum. Just like Eli, and Ferrott, Dilfer, Warner, and that piece of shit QB from Baltimore. Anyway hearing all the Bengals fans bitchin just makes me like it that much more. Pittsburgh wipes their ass with all their AFC North Championships. That and a quarter will get you a cup of coffee. Cower probably uses them as anchors. They got a shitload of them. Cincinatis shelf is somewhat more roomy. In the last 16 years the Bengals are 80 wins and 160 losses. You are not going to win any Super Bowls with a mediocre record like that. So when the Bengals are at home polishing their lonely trophy, the Steelers will continue on. Driving a steak in the heart of Bengal, Raven, and Browns fans everywhere. Sometimes on cold nights I use thoughts like that to keep me warm.

Editorials are for Assholes

I have come to a conclusion about editorial pages. They are strictly for assholes. Now don't get me wrong, I like to read them. Hey! I'm an asshole! But while I'm reading them I am always thinking of what a fuckin dumbass the person is. I mean they let any jackass with the 20 cents to buy a pen write into the editorial pages. Sometimes I think the people are so retarded that I find myself compelled to write into the page and tell them so, but then I realize that I will be putting myself in the same junk bin as them, so I refrain. Personally I can't really blame them for looking like mental cripples. They only have a few paragraphs at the most to voice their moronic opinions and thats really not enough. Thats why I have this blog! I have an endless supply of time and space to express my omipotent thoughts! Some person in the editorials yesterday was telling everyone how stupid they were for buying into the theory of evolution strictly due to the fact that dinosaurs and humans lived at the same time. Ok. Now the carbon 14 datings on religious artifacts are used by theologens to verify it was Moseses toilet seat or whatever. But for some reason when they use the same process to date dinosaur bones its junk science. Come the fuck on! I just left a page devoted to the theory that both humans and dinosaurs lived at the same time. It says in its huge body of evidence that many people even today report seeing, killing, and even people being killed by, dinosaurs. They are using the Lochness Monster to support their theory? Are you cracked!? heres the link. You can go there and see that for yourself. Also they are telling us that if you can't talk to every person that ever lived then you can't prove that humans never saw dinosaurs. Well I'll tell you what if I use that logic, now me being a Christian remember, I have never "seen" God. Adam supposedly lived to be 900 years old. Now he can't prove it so it must have never been. He also says that Noah had dinoaurs on the Ark. Now I'm sure this man has never seen the Manifest of the Ark so how the hell does he know? Well he says that it says so in the Bible............OK. That is your undisputed evidence? Only half of the Bible is there and for the most part I read the King James Bible. I have one upstairs. I really can't believe that God did what the Bible says he did. Now I know God is God and he can do anything if he wants but I'm telling you what God does in the Bible and what God really did are different. It is not Gods style to create anything in 6 days. To create life it takes almost 10 months. Gods gonna do a whole world in 6 days, complete with every kind of plant and animal, including dinosaurs? I think God takes his time. Time means nothing to him so why the hell did he get all in a big hurry? Well I'll tell you why. It's cause the creation was laid down from myths told around village fires for thosands of years. People created circumstances and events so that they could explain what they didn't understand. Peoples most primitive curiosity is, where do we come from and why are we here? It is something that has driven alot of our most amazing discoveries. God put that desire for knowledge in us. That desire to know. So why the hell would he tell us every aspect of our creation very specificly, but won't tell us Jack about anything else? My point is that people that don't believe in God are wrong. In the beginning, the instant of creation, God set in motion a chain reaction. A line of dominoes. He could have spent eons setting up all the correct dominoes so that life would emgerge. Maybe he did it with a snap of his finger. Who knows. I know the Bible thumpers don't know any more than your or I. I hate it when they get all condescending. I hate it when the professors do the same. If they would just work together they would find that God will fill in the blanks to each of their theorys not the Bible. God set evolution into motion. Simple.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

The Abramoff scandal is a GOP scandal, make no mistake

Now I for one believe that just about all politicians are crooked. Most if not all have taken money or goods of some kind in exchange for a favor, an audience, anything, at one time or another. That is common knowledge, and the fact that DeLay can sit there and look surprised and angry about being implicated in this just proves what a cock he is. If the people of Texas re-elect that man in the face of what he has done then they all deserve to be swallowed up in the hollow Earth. What is known about DeLay is damning in itself. What is alleged about him is criminal and I hope the fucker goes to jail. Little chance of that however since government has proved over and over that it believes itself to be above the law. This is a funny story so you may want to pay attention. I was watching Faux the other night. That is something that I do from time to time. Actually this starts with me listening to the last 10 minutes or so of Bill O Asshole and the first few minutes of Sean Hannity. O really was waxing on and on about how the Abramoff scandal was a bipartisan scandal and that the liberal media was showing themselves by telling people that it was a GOP problem. He even went as far as to say that in the end there should be 6 GOP and 6 DNC guys indicted so that the public would know that Democrats were in it just as deep and the Repunklicans. Good plan Bill! Only problem is that in the Senate there have only been 3 Democratic Senators implicated! While 20 were implicated on the GOP side of the aisle. That is almost half of all the Republicans in the Senate! Are you sure this isn't a GOP scandal? Well maybe it's not. How bout the House? No less than 30! Now House Democrats are less scruptulous than the Senate ones. There were 8 on the take in the House. Now you can bet that this is just the tip of the iceberg. You can also bet that this is all we'll ever see. The fucks in charge will make sure that there is a whole lot of back scratching going on. Especially in DeLays case. I just love how Oreally likes to play pretend and act like he's just a regular Joe and tells us all the truth. Last I checked regular married Joe's with children don't call up women and tell them what they would do to them with a loufa, in a shower, on a tropical island. Regular Joes also can't afford to pay millions to the lady to keep her mouth shut. Even in the face of facts that DeLay is a tird, and that there are many more Republicans in trouble with Abramoff than Democrats Oreally calls this a bipartisan scandal. No Spin Zone?! My Fuckin ASS!! Hannity just doesn't give a fuck. He mentions several Democrats that are in trouble with Abramoff while saying absolutely nothing about the scores of Republicans that are balls deep in Abramoffs pockets. He also defends DeLay to a fault. Even Republicans think he's a scumbag. Hannity does too but he's just such a liar that he will say anything to promote himself and his agenda. Kinda like Ann Coulter but without the hairy upper lip. I guess scumbags need to stick together to keep from getting their asses kicked.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Bush and this administration can burn in hell

I am getting really tired of Bushs crap. He and his cronies are going way too far supposely trying to protect us. If the fucks want to protect us get our troops back here and post them on the fuckin borders. Seal this place up tight. But no. Hardly anything has been done to secure our borders and other than me having to show my ID 50 times and take off my shoes nothing has been done at the airports. Our government is infiltrating old ladies bridge games and opening peoples mail. They are tapping our phones and reading our email. They are perusing our blogs (fuck you guys by the way). They are putting us in jail and throwing away the key. Now just the fact that I can say this without fear of being put into one of these jails is kind of hipocritical. I am just playing devils advocate. American citizens are in fact being arrested and kept locked up with little or no explanation. This is a fact that is admitted by our government. It's not a big deal. As long as it's not you or I anyway! Now I know that our government pretty much has always done what it wanted since it was created over 200 years ago. The only difference now is that Mr. Bush is trying to justify it by saying it's legal. It is indeed a slippery slope that we are on. Mr. Bush is investigating the press, presumably to bully them to stop reporting so hostily towards him. His logic is that if we prosecute for revealing a CIA operatives name, then we prosecute for revealing his illegal domestic spying program as well. He is trying to muddy the issue by portraying the whistleblower as the bad guy. It's an old corporate trick. Law enforcement always push their powers to the limit. So does the government. Then they do that crap where they step over the line every once and a while and push it just a little further. Next thing you know we got political prisoners in the US, Big Brother, and a worthless Constitution. I don't want criminals to have any unfair advantages but I am not going to give up my rights out of fear. Bush doesn't know when to quit and will continue to take our rights until the day he leaves office. He says he's doing it for our own good but with his propencity for paranoia, I really believe he's afraid of us. What a little man he is.

Pat Robertson needs to STFU already!

In this world there are many people who just need to shut the fuck up. Pat Robertson is one of those people. The man cannot let an event go by without saying something retarded. World Trade Center blows up? Gods wrath for all the homos in New York! Tsunami? Pat Roberson just chalks that up to God hating dot heads. Leader of Venezuela calls Bush an asshole? Well Pat Robertson believes that we should just go down there and shoot him to save us the trouble of an invasion. Hell with it if its illegal! It's Gods will! The Prime Minister of Isreal has a stroke and Pat Robertson is telling his people that it's one of Gods mob hits because hes pissed at Sharone for making peace with the Palestinians!! God hates peace! Didn't you know?! Every time Pat opens his mouth he marginalizes his group. The funny thing is, is that they know it. The only one who is not privy to Robertson being a dickhead is evidently Robertson himself. Now thats not to say that there aren't herds of assholes out there sending Pat fist fulls of money. There are. Unfortunately, it's still illegal to kill stupid people. So it seems there is no end in sight for Pats rants. I kind of take a little satisfaction in that. As long as Pat is alive he will continue make all those of his kind look like jackasses. And thats always fun to watch.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

West Virginias miner trajedy

I have to take a break from my usual BS commentary and offer my prayers and condolences to the friends and familys of the men that were trapped in that mine in West Virginia. I went to bed last night feeling pretty happy about the fact that 12 of the 13 miners had been rescued alive. My first thoughts this morning were to get an update and to see what they had to say about their harrowing ordeal. It was a kick in the guts to find out that the information about 12 being alive was false and that only one had been pulled alive from the mines. What gave me some solace was that maybe the miners died quickly. Even this turned out to be so painfully untrue. They died down there trying to save their own lives. They lived for a long time. Some had probably passed away just hours before being found. They were so close, and that just magnifies the terrible agony. I can't imagine the pain the families must be feeling. Being taken to such heights of relief only to come crashing down in some twisted heap. My thoughts and prayers are with them. They were so close, and that is gonna haunt me for a long time. God bless them. May they rest in peace. And not to be forgotten. I also thank God for the one survivor. May he find peace and a speedy recovery.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

To all Georgia Bulldog fans....Kiss my ass!!

I of course am talking to ALL Georgia Bulldog fans when I say FUCK YOU! I have not ever been so satisfied as to when I saw all the hearts in the Georgia Dome break as my Mountaineers kicked their arrogant asses! All of them screaming and yelling their trailerpark obsenities at my out gunned Mounties. Georgia was only favored by 7 but you know how it is. They want people to watch the game so they don't really want to tell you what they think the score is gonna be. All I heard was, "Bulldogs are gonna ass rape West Virginia". I too bought into it. I found myself doubting that they even deserved to be in the game. The Big East is a "Joke" conference. All the papers and sports assholes think so. Evidently the Bulldogs thought so too because they slepwalked through the first quarter and a half. Then they woke up and began to work on West Virginias outmanned Secondary. But in the end it wasn't enough and a scrawny little punter ripped their hearts out. I was laughing my ass off. To all you Georgia fans and SEC whores. FUCK YOU! The lowly team from the BIG EAST JUST FLAT WHOOPED YOUR ASS!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAH