Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Alec Baldwin assaulted by assholes

Let me just get this out in the open. You get vibes off of people. What I am about to say is totaly an opinion based on nothing but it's a vibe I get and for the most part I am ALWAYS right. Alec Baldwin seems to me to be a person who is very well spoken. Almost aristocratic in his air. However, he also seems to be very approachable and unintimidating. He's probably a good guy. Sean Hannity, and I am giving my totaly honest opinion, seems like he's fake. He seems like all his anger and bluster is just a show. He knows that the more angry he seems and the more outraged he gets his ratings are probably gonna go up. This is due to the fact that his audience, now I am talking his core audience not the casual listeners, is angry white males and females. Yes there are angry white females now. I say this because Mr. Hannity is always talking about how he is for the working man and that he worked construction and he's blue collar all the way. He's blue collar that OWNED a construction company and admittedly hired illegal immigrant workers because local workers probably bit into his profits too much. Way to fight for the little man Sean. He talks about how John Kerry is not able to relate to "normal" Americans because he wind surfs, but yet Sean goes to exclusive ski resorts and eats 70 dollar steaks for dinner. He drives a 70 thousand dollar SUV. Is he to be faulted for that? No, but he really needs to stop pounding on elitists when thats exactly what he is. Rush Limbaugh lives in a 6 million dollar mansion and then professes to represent the views of mainstream America? Are we retarded? Do they think we are? They must. Anyway Mr. Alec Baldwin was just a guest on some guys radio show and Sean and his little buddy Mark "yes I like it in the ass" Levin, decided to call in to the show and proceed to insult Mr. Baldwin in a way that I haven't heard since I was in 3rd grade. They called Baldwin "fat" and called him "no talent" and "coward" and the real zinger..........wondered "why is your wife mad at you". When they started in on Mr. Baldwins wife he excused himself. Are these guys that fucking immature? The answer is yes they are. It wasn't enough that they ambushed Mr. Baldwin on the show, Sean and I'm sure his little cherub Mark "I am the pres of the lollypop guild" Levin, devotes half his show on little cuts and play by play from the incident. I about puked. They talk about character assassins, well these guys are really good at it. Almost as if they practice it daily huh? Alec Baldwin has family and friends. Sean does not care a whit. He just slams and slams and slams until even his dumbass audience is tired of it. I'm sure he will bring this up over and over rubbing his crotch as he remembers his great "victory". Sean no matter how much you rub, your dicks still the size of a Vienna Sausage. A genie isnt gonna pop out. Your wife not gonna be any happier. You'll still be a little man with a big mouth that got his ass kicked by guys like Alec Baldwin every day after your mathclub meeting. Mark Levin I know very little about. The vibe I get off of him is he's got some kind of wee man disorder. His voice sounds like he should be stocking toilet paper at Mr. Whipples market. If I could tell Mr. Baldwin anything it would be to elevate himself above talk radio. That lowly spot is reserved for pieces of shit that sit on the bottom of the entertainment fish bowl. Why Al Franken lowers himself to that level is beyond me. One last thing. Mr. Hannity, you and your cohorts are the worst kind of human beings. You get happiness by causing pain and misery to people who most often are not around to defend themselves. And you think you have the right to accuse people of cowarice? You will be judged for your deeds in a place that has no radios. Where Rupert Murdock can't buy propoganda. You will be judged as the worm you are. I hope your misery makes you happy then because thats all you're gonna have.

Ministers wife "confused" awwwwwww

Mary Winkler, the woman that cut her minister husband in half with a 12 gauge shot gun, was said to be "Confused and overwhelmed." I hope the police aren't being too rough on the poor woman. I mean she's just a murderer. Women can rob banks and blame the Stockholm syndrome. Women can cut mens dicks off and blame spousal abuse. Women can fuck little 14 year old kids and people will make excuses for them. Woman can drown their 5 children in a bathtub and we have Rosie Odonnel raising money for her legal fund! If men had done any one of these things, and they have, they would be put in jail and the keys would have been melted down to make the bullet to execute him. Is there a bias in the legal system? You bet your ass their is. Have you ever seen a womens prison? They look like some kind of convent. All the women sleep in nice barracks, and get to walk around. I think one of the ones I looked at didn't even have a fence around it. Wouldn't want to upset these girls and make them think they may actually be in a jail. I got no sympathy for criminals in general. If I was in charge there would be no prison overcrowding. There would be alot of dead prisoners. First of all, there would be no deathrow. If you are convicted of death then thats what you would get. You'd be dead an hour after the gavel fell. In my world, the innocent law abiding people would not be forced to maintain facilities for criminals. All they would be responsible for would be buying the island that we would put them all on. After that, these fucks could grow their own food, build their own shelters, and look after themselves. No weights. No cable TV. No throwing urine on guards. Just a whole lot of hard living. They would be too busy trying to survive to fuck each other in the ass, and they would be co dependent on one another so they wouldn't be killing each other. If they want drugs, they have to grow em themselves, and in this world, time taken from growing food, is less food, so they would have to weigh the need for drugs over the need for eats. Either way, we win! But I am off on one of my utopia drags. I can sense that this Winkler woman is going to be set up to look like some kind of victim that was driven to shoot this man in the back. Defense attorneys always do this, the only difference is that when Leroy Williams from West Philly uses it, they don't believe him. They don't give his story any consideration. Women are constantly being portrayed as being victims. Most are victims to nothing more than their own stupidity. Being with an abusive boyfriend. Staying with a cheating husband. Killing their own because its just too hard to cope. In the next breath all of a sudden they are iron butterflys. How mentally strong they are and how they can do anything a man can do. Well I have news for people. While I believe that women are, in general, every bit as intelligent as men, I also believe that men and women have different strengths. There are always exceptions. I mean if I say that women are bad drivers.....and they are.....I will get some dumbass telling me that Dancia Patrick is a Indy driver.......That's when I inform them that Miss Patrick has never won a race. But anyway. Women want all the bennys of being a mans equal. I think they should get them. But with acceptance of being equals women need to take on the greater responsibility of that equality. In the military, women should be required to do the same things that a man does. For quals a woman should have to do the same pushups. The same times in the runs. Women should stop expecting men to open doors for them or to let them go first in line. Offer them a seat on a crowded subway or help them load groceries into a car. Now these are things that I will continue to do, simply because I am a man, and there is some ingrained DNA strand in me that says that I am supposed to help women when I can. It's not because I'm sexist. It's because thats the last bastion of manhood and when it's gone we might as well all put on dresses. I don't have to kill dinner anymore. The Huns aren't comming over the wall. We are for the most part equals. Except that WNBA players don't get paid as much as NBA players..........heres a clue girls................girls basketball sucks! Who wants to see layups and lame ass wanna be dunks all performed by nasty looking hairy lipped women. You can take your womens sports and sink them in the deepest end of the loch. I for one am tired of women getting preferential treatment in legal matters. All I want is an ounce of fairness once and a while.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Scalia has about as much credibility as Ginsburg

If you are to look at Justice Scalia, and his track record, you would see that the man hasn't the objectivity to be a judge. He gives out his decisions based on his emotions. The law is secondary. That is to say that he twists it to fit his way of thinking, thereby justifying himself in his own mind. This is the same way Ginsburg decides cases. With her heart, and her own convictions. To hell with the constitution! It's just there for them to contort to prop up their own notions about how the world should work. I like John Roberts. I get a good feeling about him. Even though he's a Bush appointee, I just have the feeling that the man is fair, and if that turns out to be true, then by God that will be the first good thing Bush ever did. Now Justice Scalia has a case comming up where he is going to have to decide whether or not the guys they have holed up at Gitmo have the right to a trial. This is where shit gets all convoluted and fucked up. The US government REFUSES to call these guys combatants. That would afford them rights under the Geneva Convention. Technically they should still apply if the treaty is worth the paper it's printed on, but since it's not, Bushs lawyer bean counting yes men have advised Bush that they, "don't think it's a violation, but even if it is, it will all be over before anyone can do anything about it anyway." Anyway it would seem that if they are not combatants, then they should be given the rights that anyone else would be afforded under our civilian laws. Well again Bushs asshole lawyers found another loophole. Well just keep them outside of the US! WOW what a concept! That's what the Nazis did to the Jews. Just send them all to Auschewitz in Poland, and you can do whatever you want with them. That in itself causes a paradox in law because any US military base/ship is considered US territory. We certainly wouldn't defer to the local authorities there now would we. So what now? They have fucked it all up so bad that we have entered an area where there is no law. Supposedly all the existing ones don't apply. So what do we do with them? Keep them locked up? Execute them? Let them go? Who the hell knows. I will tell you what I would do if I were president. I would show some fucking leadership and classify them as prisoners of war. Yeah I know, if you did that you would have to let the Red Cross see them and you probably couldn't torture them as easily but come on guys! You got to do something. It's not like these guys after being in prison for the last 5 years are gonna know anything pertaining to intelligence. Give these guys some kind of military tribunal, present the evidence, and if you can hold them, you hold them. If you have to let them go, let them go. We took thousands of prisoners and had them jailed at Abu Garib prison. The week after the pictures came out we released 2800 of them! These guys were supposedly terrorists trying to destroy America. What they found is that most of them were non violent offenders who were just swept up in the bullshit that was Iraq right after the war supposedly came to an end. Well to bring my point to a head..... Scalia is scheduled to give a decision pertaining to these prisoners at Gitmo being tried as criminals. Scalia the other day spoke in Switzerland and has apparently already made his decision without ever hearing the case. That is to say that he already has an established opinion on the subject. Therefore he should probably excuse himself from ruling on the case. But not Scalia. This is the man heard Vice President Chaneys case when he was testifying before Congress and said that there was no conflict of intrest. HE HUNTS WITH CHENEY ON THE FUCKING WEEKENDS!!!!! You think if you are buds with some guy, you have any business hearing his testimony? Well any judge worth a pinch of shit would think to excuse themselves from the case. But not Scalia. The man is a worthless judge, and has not the integrity to occupy that seat. He is not objective and lets his opinons about how he thinks the world should work and not the law to form his judgements. I hope he's really old because he needs replaced.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

My 100th post Celebration!

Well folks, this is my 100th post, and for those of you who have been blessed enough to find this blog may I say you have been blessed indeed. To gain the insite found here is not unlike finding an all knowing oracle to peruse at your leasure. I will now continue on in the great tradition of my blog and enter into a rant the likes you have seen undoubtedly many times. Barry Bonds, and Mark McGuire need to be stripped of their homerun titles. Both of them are pieces of shit as far as baseball players go. These jackoffs use the sport of baseball to elevate themselves to godlike status, but cheat in order to do so. Rafael Palmerio is even worse. He testified before congress and told a big fat one. He got some hard times from fans and press alike, but the ones that should have been leaning on him.....say the federal prosecuters......let him alone. Jose Canseco is worse still! He used the fuckin drugs, ratted his fellow players out in a book, then when it comes time for him to testify before congress, he recants alot of what he wrote! Can you say roidhead piece of shit lying fucker!? I bet you can! Baseball, on a professional level, is like watching shit decompose on a hot sidewalk. Unpleasant, and boring. At least in the NBA you can pretty much count on someone getting arrested. In the NFL you can count on someone getting the shit knocked out of them in an amusing way at least every 5 minutes. In NASCAR you have the added bonus of maybe one of those spoiled assholes getting killed. Now I know what you are saying. In baseball they fight all the time. While thats true, even their fights are pussyfied and gay. A man hits another man in the face with one of his balls. The man with a bat in his hand (A CLUB THAT HE COULD USE TO BEAT THE OTHER GUYS ASS WITH BUT HE"S TOO BIG OF A PUSSY TO DO IT) drops the club and and charges the mound. Both benches then empty and you see 50 men in tights piling up on top of one another in the middle of a grass field. How fucking gay is that? If you ask me, I'd say pretty fuckin gay. Babe Ruth was a showman and an athelete. He embrassed his fans and his fame and didn't act like some brooding aged wannabe superstar like Bonds and Clemens. When he set the record it was a feat that was said to never be duplicated. If not for Roger Maris that would have held true. Then you let assholes like McGuire, and Bonds, with their multimillion dollar salaries, their illegal "workout" regimens, their year round training, and their improved facilities have one of the most heralded titles in all of sports. Well not in my book. Major League Baseball sucks.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

I hate liars

I hear it all the time. "From 500 yards I am shooting groups that you could cover with a dime...........". Sure you do. I bet you do. On these guys best fuckin day, they would not come close to that. Most of them anyway. I have never met anyone that told me about groupings of more than a quarter. I had my HKG3 shooting at a 1 inch square of duct tape at 100 yards. I shot a 20 shot clip of .308 win. To be more accurate, 7.62x51 South African Mil Surplus. 8 shots were inside the domain of the duct tape. The others were pretty close, most touching the tape. That is one damn fine 20 shot group at 100 yards. But I'm not going to lie to you and say that you could cover them all with a dime. A clay bird? Yeah. But this is also the best that rifle ever shot. After that I could never get it to do it again. I finally got rid of it due to the bastard being so fuckin heavy. Almost 12 pounds fully loaded! Piss on that. Plus I got tired of it and the guy down the street had a Bushmaster he wanted to trade. There is a guy at work today telling me that his brand new Savage .270 WSM practically cuts holes at 200 yards. Well, sorry if this offends the guy, but my God you are so full of shit. Most of these guys are shooting from the beds of their trucks and off of picnic tables in their backyards. What they think is 200 yards is probably more like 115 yards. What is 1000 yards is really 500. I could knock shotgun shells off of a fence at 25 yards with my Ruger P89 9mm. Thats pretty fine shooting for a pistol. Not really though. Ive shot that pistol over a 1000 times. I know exactly where it shoots. This man tells me he takes his rifle out of the box and its cutting holes? Come on. I have never met anyone that has called themselves average shots. Everyone is a fuckin sniper. When you are shooting out at around 3 or 4 hundred + yards, you leave the realm of casual deer hunter, and enter the better know what the fuck your doing if you want to hit anything world. These guys talk like 8oo yards is nothing. Have you ever looked at a golf ball through a 9 power scope at 500 yards? You'd be lucky to see it at all! Well for one thing you would have to sight your rifle in at the distance you are shooting. Either that or have some kind of bad assed 1000 dollar scope. Otherwise when you change the zoom your settings would change. The snipers with the barret semi auto sniper rifles are taking shots at guys at 2000 yards. There is a story told about a Canadian sniper that hit a man from 2000 yards with his Barret .50. It was more of a joke than anything. The guy didn't think he'd hit him. Barrets are designed to be used for hitting trucks and taking out equipment. The .50 round that it fires over penetrates and really isn't suitable for sniping people. Well anyway, I am proud that of all the things I am, one thing that I am not is a liar about my meager shooting skills.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Natalie Holloway

You demanded it! So you get it! The straight story. Right from the horses mouth. You were probably wondering when I was gonna talk about Miss Holloway. Actually you probably wasn't because as far as I can see, the only people that read this blog are fuckin blog bots and the NSA (Fuck you guys by the way). I can't express anything but sympathy for the family of Natalie Holloway. That being said I guess I can be pissed about it. I understand that they had only one hope of finding Natalie. That was to keep it in the news and on the air as long as possible. That involved telling Faux news that you had a new lead in the case and stringing them along like the whores that they are. That strategy worked for almost 3 months! Those dumbasses over at Faux, and their audience, are slow on the uptake. Unfortunately, Natalie still hasn't been found. When Chandra Levey went missing, it took several months after they stopped looking to find her. That's what is going to happen here. On a little sidenote. My brother in law found a pile of human bones out in the woods while hunting one day. He went and got the state police. After he showed them where the bones were, and gave a statement, that was the last he heard of it. He thought he would be interviewed by at least the press, but to this day......nothing. No CSI. No JAG. No nothin. Boy that was some intense investigation! It's no wonder that I have no confidence in our law enforcement. About the only thing they do is write me tickets. Anyway. We can take some lessons away from this and if there is a silver lining to this story, this is the only one I can find. Don't let your kids go on trips like that for senior summer. There's no reason for it. I don't give a shit how responsible you think your kid is. The kid is a kid. They don't have the life experience to deal with what is going on in the real world. They probably haven't been exposed to people that want to take advantage of them. They won't be able to spot a predator as easily as someone who has been around a while. The people on that island, see drunk kids probaby just about every day of their lives. If they see a drunk girl being escorted to a dark ally by three guys they probably are so jaded to all these assholes running around that they don't even notice. The police are slow to react because they don't want to piss off the tourists unnecessarily. The chaparones that have taken the kids down there don't want to appear like they are assholes so they allow the children to drink and get drunk. Man they are so cool! Now a child is dead because these fucks weren't paying attention. Everyone who was responsible for Natalies welfare failed her. Her parents, who should have never let her go. You can talk all day long about hind sight but my kid would never be allowed to go to that shithole while still living under my roof. Her friends, who were the only people around who could have helped her directly. Where were you guys!? And the chaparones. These people had childrens lives put in their hands, and didn't have the stones to live up to their obigations. They are pathetic human beings. I hope you guys are fucking happy now. You look really cool now. You could have saved a life and acted like the adults that you claimed to be. Instead you let kids act like animals and one got killed. Coodos you pieces of shit. Teenagers go to tropical islands outside of the United States so that they can drink and do things that are illegal. I don't give a rats ass. Anyone that ever did that will return with stories about how they got drunk, got stoned and fucked all week. My wifes friend doens't even know some of the guys she screwed and she is as straight laced as they come. These parents had to have known that. If they approved of that then they should be in jail. If Natalie convinced them that she wouldn't be doing that, they are idiots. If they did it so that Natalie could look cool and make themselves feel good then they need to know that their inaction had consequences. Any way you slice it they fucked up royal. It's too bad that a 18 year old life had to be taken for the rest of us to see it.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Old people are stupid

Yes. I am going to confirm something that you have all known for some time. Old people are stupid. Not all old people. Just most of them. This stupid club is not exclusive to just 80 and 90 year olds. Lots of 50 year olds are plenty stupid as well. It seems that the group of people my mother in laws age and up, have a higher concentration of the dumbass, than other groups. Case in point. I was over at my mother in laws house, making fun of Harriet Myers. You know. The sweet old lady that baked G W Bush cookies on Christmas when he was govornor of Tex-ass? Anyway, I made a statement about how it's funny that of all the judges that Mr. Bush had to pick from, he had picked one of his own personal lawyers.... She then preceeded to tell me that Harriet Myers would probably turn out to be the, "best supreme court judge ever!" Now why did she say this? Did she have some knowledge that I didn't about the circumstance? Was she privy to some info that I was not that justified this pitiful appointment? No. Evidently she had heard that the woman was a Christian and that evidently that was good enough for her...... One more example of old person stupidity. My sister was renting a house. Evidently the elderly woman did periodic inspections of the property.......while my sister was out. Now on a sidebar the woman was more than welcome to inspect her property, but you can bet your ass at the first possible and most inconveinient time my ass would be out of there. Now back to your regularly scheduled program already in progress........ This woman found "syringes" in my sisters sink and strewn throughout the house. "Under couches, in the bathroom. Allover!" Well what the hell was the bitch looking under the couches for anyhow? Then she presented my sister with the "evidence" that she was shooting up heroin. The same evidence that she was going to present to child protective services........ Little medicine droppers. Not the kind with the little rubber bulb on the end. The new kind that kind of look like syringes, but without that ever important needle you dumb bitch! If you had your thinking cap on, and was not so busy trying to get this woman convicted, and thinking the worst of people, maybe you would have realized this! Last example then I'm finished with this. I know an old guy that was the president of his local union. He works for a lawyer trying to get money for retirees that were exposed to asbestos to the point they now have cancer. His health insurance is over half of his monthly income. And he supports Bush. The president that has his cock firmly planted in this mans ass, is the president that he likes! He emphaticly believes that Saddam Hussein blew up the world trade center. He thinks that terrorists are going to "Take us over". He also thinks that John Kerry gave himself his medals. Now where did he learn this? On Faux? On CNN? On CBS, NBC, or ABC? No. From TBN. The Trinity Broadcasting Network. Yes he listens to televangelists to get his news. Like alot of old people, he thinks that watching TBN and the like will get him into heaven. No my friend it just kills braincells. So. Like so many of his kind, he votes for his president based on what the stupid fuck Pat Robertson tells him. Now how can you get any dumber than that?

Bush to the Eskimos....Fuhgetabout It!

The Eskimos have added their name to the mounting list of "alarmists" that are concerned about the changing weather patterns in the Arctic. Bush just dismisses them as liberal rabblerousers, that are trying to make things difficult for his oil and coal boys. Brazil is pretty much self sufficient as far as it's energy needs go. We in the US are crippled with slavery to the oil companies. If oil stopped flowing into this country it would shut down within the day. The talk about reserves, and how our future is secure. You know who gets the oil reserves? The US military thats who. The military that will be gunning people down in the streets trying to preserve the union and stop the chaos. But thats a chance Bush and his kind are willing to take. We need to stop depending on others to provide for our energy needs. It's a crime how vulnerable we are. That alone should be enough to wake these assholes up to the fact that it's past time to act. I'd dance a jig if the oil ran out tomorrow. At least then we could get this country straighened out. Environmentaly, and governmentaly. No longer would oil and wealth prop up these piece of shit politicians and get them into office. It would force someone with revolutionary ideas to finally get to be in charge. My biggest fear is that the Earth will give out before the oil supply does. Our Earth can only take so much abuse, until it just shakes us off like so many ticks. Why our people put up with idiots like our leaders is beyond me.........oh yea I forgot. We are retarded!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


My town. My little podunk shitpiece of a town, has Drudge on the radio. It's this very reason that America is so fucked up. You see. Out in the heartland, there are very few news outlets. My town in particular has a very elderly population. This due to the fact that the numerous factories that used to provide jobs around here are now all closed down. The other people in the population are for the most part avid hunters, and gun nuts. The bad kind of gun nut. The kind that thinks any gun control is bad. That is a story for another time. Anyway. Being out in the heartland, as I am, the news comes from the talk radio from the only local AM radio station, and from a really crappy local newspaper. Cable is not as widely spread here as it is in large metropolitan areas so you don't even have the CNNs the MSNBCs and the Fauxes to balance (HAHAHAHA!) it out. So these old people sit around and listen to these people. Now we start in the morning with some jackass you've never heard of named Dave Norman. He's a fuckin asshole but he pales in comparison to the rest of the days lineup. Next we have Laura Ingram, Bill Ohreally, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Drudge, and rounding out the lineup is Michael Savage..............all fucking day long with this shit. Until after midnight. Then you get George Norry. You know that crazy fucker that has people that believe in aliens on his show all the time. I can tell when my father in law has been listening because he will repeat verbatim what has been said on the radio that day word for word. Now Dr. Laura used to be on but I guess she was too much of a lefty hippy to grace this shitpile of a radio station. This is what my town is basicly forced to listen to. No wonder I'm surrounded by idiots.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Jessica Lynch is not at fault

Every day it is reinforced with me that Americans, for the most part, are retarded. I was talking to some people at work the other day, and for some reason, the topic of Jessica Lynch came up. I think someone saw her on TV or something. Anyway, I am happy to hear that she got over a million dollars for her book deal. She is also going to WVU and studying journalism. She has a full scholarship to WVU. That I'm not so happy about simply because it might not be fair. I mean, I hope the other people that were in her convoy are getting scholarships too. What irked me about what they were talking about was the garbage that was spread immediately after their convoy was attacked. These guys tell me that she killed several of her attackers and was only taken after she had expended all her magazines. She was shot, stabbed, and raped, because as you know. "All them Iraqi men want themselves a blonde haired blue eyed American girl." Well most men aren't rapists. Especially when the girl has a shattered thigh, arm, spine, and several other injurys sustained when her vehicle overturned in the desert, after attempting to avoid hostile fire. She wasn't driving. It makes her exploits even more impressive! How the hell did she fight so hard while being so gravely injured? And how did she survive afterwards? With being beaten, and interrogated, there hardly would have been time for her to receive medical care. What a trooper! Well no matter how it really happened, the girl is not at fault for her circumstances. She was doing her job, and while hero is a little over the top, I would venture to call her a decorated combat vet. That in itself is pretty distinguished. The truth is, Jessica could not have done anything that the Pentagon released to the press. She was too badly injured and cannot remember anything after the accident. Her comrades that fought to the death were practicaly ignored even to this day, but hey! All the combat dead are being marginalized. It's also not Jessicas fault that her rescue was presented as some kind of daring rescue operation, when in reality all the guys had to do was walk into the hospital, pick her up, and go home. It's funny how the original story is so previlent, even after Jessicas book came out and pretty much debunked the entire line the Pentagon originaly sold everyone. These people still argue with me about it, thinking that I am baggin on Miss Lynch. Truth is I am very simpathetic to Jessica. I just want the real story to be known.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

No Civil War My Ass!

I really don't know what these people are waiting on. In the words of John Murtha, "According to the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Second Edition, the definition of a civil war is a "war between political factions or regions within the same country." That is exactly what is going on in Iraq, not a global war on terrorism, as the President continues to portray it." Now if Bush admits there is a civil war in Iraq then he has to admit defeat. This is due to the fact that civil wars are notoriously long winded, and pointless. Countrys are always worse off after the war than before it. Nothing is gained. Just one side beats the other side into submission. The good guys don't always win. Look at Vietnam. That was a civil war the we voluntarily got ourselves involved in. If we try and draw parallels between Vietnam and Iraq we will find that the two are pretty different. One striking difference is after 3 years in Iraq we have lost 2309 men/women. If you consider that the US began sending advisors and troops to Vietnam in 1957 it took the Vietnam war until 1965 to reach those casualty numbers. 1965 is the first year that US troops engaged in offensive operations in Vietnam. Supposedly we are still in a support role in Iraq. Pointing the Iraqis in the right direction and letting them do the fighting. Public opinion is lower for the war in Iraq than the war in Vietnam. We have exclusive control over the skys with little or no anti aircraft except for small arms fire. In Vietnam we lost hundreds of planes due to intense Surface to Air Missle fire. Our enemy in Vietnam was well supplied and battle hardened from years of fighting the French. Our enemy in Iraq is poorly supported, and poorly trained. We should have wiped the floor with these guys a loooong time ago. Only thing was the asshole in charge underestimated the insurgency from the start. They allowed it to get a foothold. Now it's entrenched, and is gonna be hell to shake. It's taken on a life of it's own. Zarquaoui and Bin Ladden are not calling the shots. It's an entity of which there is no leaders. Just alot of pissed off eople in small groups that are busting the shit out of our guys. Now to be sure we are killing alot of them too. In Vietnam we were killing them 20 to 1. In Iraq, I'd say that our casualty ratio is alot closer. They are blowing our guys up without ever engaging them. With roadside bombs. Yeah, Iraq is alot different than Vietnam. There is one similarity however. They are both pointless wars designed to benefit people who do not deserve the desired outcome. The Vietnamese didn't want what we were selling. They just wanted to be left alone. It didn't matter to them who was in charge they just wanted to live. In Iraq, they want the freedom. Or at least that is the feeling that I get. The difference here is they are just going to sit back and wait for it to be delivered to them. Now what kind of people would do that? I'll tell you. Pieces of shit. They don't deserve freedom. Not unless they get of their asses and take it. Not be led by the nose. If there isn't a civil war, then there should be. These Iraqis need to rise up and throw out those that are keeping them from what they want. They shouldn't need us. We sure as hell don't need them.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Still the same Iraqi troops from 1991

These are the same pieces of shit from 1991. It takes the United States 8 to 13 weeks to turn a raw recruit into a soldier/sailor/airman/marine. It takes about 2 years for that same recruit to become special forces of some kind. You mean to tell me that after 3 fuckin years the Iraqi army is still just stumbling around and bumping into walls? Bullshit. We're not building an Army, number one. We are building a militia that can patrol and can act as a security force for the Iraqi civilians. All we need are guys that can go to a village, surround it, and confiscate whatever contriband they have on hand. Is that so complex that it takes grown men that are fighting for their country over 3 years to figure it out? We have the best trained men in the world with a blank check basicly getting these guys in fighting shape. I bet you could take 1000 retards and have them in better shape than the Iraqi guys in less than 6 months. This is just one example as to why things are so fucked up over there. 700 Iraqis enlisted in the Army. When it came time to show up for duty to be integrated into their companys, only 400 showed up! Then the first paycheck was issued and these guys just disappeared! Less than 200 showed up. Before their first OP they got their strength up to almost 300. That's why this bullshit is taking so long. Because the Iraqi security forces are a bunch of cowards. Why we are fighting and dying and paying for these pieces of shit is beyond me. Leave them to their own devices and let the chips fall where they may. Bring the guys back and deploy them in such a way that we can defend ourselves from the supposed deluge of terrorists that will head our way. Fuck those assholes.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Military Industrial Complex

Sometimes you find out something that is just so eye opening that it changes your entire outlook on life. Reading the speech that Eisenhower made in his farewell address in 1961 was one such thing. I have heard the phrase Military Industrial Complex, before but never really tied any of it together. I mean it just sounds like something some commie or hippie would say. What it ended up being was one of the most eloquent and timely speeches I have ever heard. Here's a link to it. http://coursesa.matrix.msu.edu/~hst306/documents/indust.html
I have read little on Dwight D. Eisenhower and all I have read has to do with World War 2. I also know that he was a big proponent of our highway system. Eisenhower may as well have been Nostrodamus. He hits the nail so hard and so square that you'd think he's got a chrystal ball. He warns us about letting government get too much power. He warns us about letting the military form policy on its own and to its own benefit. My feeling is that anyone that talks that way these days is basicly labled a pussy. Eisenhower didn't come up with this idea on his own. He drew on a century and a half of knowledge given to him by our forefathers. All the leaders since have bought into the idea that they can make money off of our fear. That they can play on our emotions and manipulate our will. I am really afraid that the power that Eisenhower spoke of has already landed in the wrong peoples hands and they are right now causing us permanent damage both in relations with our neighbors and our own people.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Bill Ohreally.....my God man, if your people only knew

I find this really funny. I, for the first time, read, in full, the accusations that came from Andrea Mackris. Now I cannot believe that Mr. Ohreally would take this crap from this woman and not sue the pants off of her..........UNLESS the accusations were true. She came out with this and the entire transcripts of his weird ass bullshit on The Smoking Gun. In fact heres a link. http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/1013043mackris1.html
You have to read it in its entirety to get the gist of how fucked up Mr. Ohreally is. Now I love women. But I would never disrespect one like this piece of shit did. But then again, I have morals. Mr. Ohreally does not evidently. He's just a piece of shit that has his entire audience buffaloed. People still call him a great American and buy his kids books. Wow I want my child to emulate that fucker. Not. Anyway. The transcripts speak for themselves. I will warn you. There are parts that shocked me, and I'm not easily shocked. If this wasn't true, I know how Bills mind works. He would have went on one of his crusades. One of his self important, holier than thou rants. Only this time, he couldn't because the woman had tapes and I suspect played them for Mr. Bill. I would have loved to see his face curl up and his finger jut out ready to point it, in all its stankyness, at this woman......only to have to shut the fuck up because he knew she had him by his fucking balls. Oh to be a fly on that wall........ How would you like to be Mrs. Bill Ohreally? I bet she's fuckin pist! But she probably knows the piece of shit fucks around. Shes just in it for the money anyway. Whats she care if he's pokin someone else as long as she gets her slice? I shouldn't say pokin'. I should say, tryin to poke! Cause the fuck fails miserably. Not for lack of trying however, and that's what most women would have left his sorry ass for. Any self respecting woman anyway. I have to admit to you, I wanted this woman to push it and not give in to the money aspect. I was hoping that she would stand on principal and take Bill down. Turns out she was alot smarter than that. She knew she was through as soon as she blew the whistle so she needed to cash in as completly as possible. Bill, or Faux or a combination of both paid this woman handsomely to shut the hell up. And with a big check cashing grin on her face she did just that. At least Bill was true to form and had to flap his big mouth in the beginning. He tried to make the woman look like some kind of extortionist. If he had just kept his mouth shut and knew that he had been beat and paid the woman outright, he probably would have gotten away with it. Well, it doesn't really matter anyway. Bills fans are too stupid to care that their hero is a piece of garbage. That's OK. Bill is gonna fuck up again. And I am gonna be there to laugh at his pathetic ass.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Ban stupid people not soda!!!

I'm sitting here typing on my computer and drinking a big fat 22 ounce plastic bottle of Black Cherry Vanilla Coke. Oh hell yes it's fuckin good too. Would be real nice mixed with some Capin' Morgan. Now these fucks wanna sue the soda companies and stop me, or at least make it harder, for me to drink my favorite drinks. I like soda of all kinds. Better than beer because I don't care what kind of beer you drink, a soda is gonna taste better. Plus if I spill soda on myself, it's not going to make me stink like beer will. Now don't get me wrong. Beer has merits all it's own. Especially if I wanna get drunk. But I don't drink non alcoholic beer. Why? Because I drink to get drunk. Not because I like it so much I wanna taste it. Soda has been with us for well over a hundred years. In fact didn't you know that religious types wanted to ban soda? Well if you watch the Food Network or the History Channel you would. Yeah these asshole Bible thumpers from the early 20th century wanted to ban soda fountains because the drink was soooooo tasty it was sinful. In fact. Sundaes were given their name due to the fact that they were allowed to be drank/eaten on Sunday due to their not having soda. Is that fuckin nuts or what?! These same fucks today want to tell you and I how to live and what we can and cannot do. Insaine but true. Well these people from the early 20th century were not all that fat. You wanna know why? Because there was no welfare. There was no TV. There was no Playstation. There was no sit on your ass activities whatsoever! If you wanted to play you had to work for it. Baseball. Tag. Outside activities. Watch the fuckin little rascals. You will always see those kids playing something physicly challenging. At least remotely challenging anyway. Most kids today don't do jack. Adults neither! Me included. I ate McDonalds for the first time when I was on vacation probably when I was 5. Other than that my parents never took us. We would go to Pizza Hut once and a while and the Sizzler or whatever but even that was rare. My kids eat at McDonalds or one of the other fast food restaurants probably at least once a week. They love the shit. Now my kids are not overweight. My son plays football and baseball. But he also sits on his butt and plays video games and watches TV wayyyy too much. My wife won't let me get rid of the fuckin TV. I would if I could. I hate TV. Anyway. My daughter is more of a hands on kind of kid. She loves to play with dinosaurs and play things that involve running around. She's like a rail. My son while not fat has more meat on his bones. He's perfectly content to sit in his night clothes all day and watch TV. You have to blow his butt off the couch. This is the problem. Everything is automated. I can do just about every aspect of my life from right where I'm sitting. With the exception of working which for me is physicaly taxing alot of people don't do any kind of physical activity. Stupid people give their kids loads of soda and fast food. Lazy people who don't feel like cooking or putting up with the market are what is making our kids fat. Automation in every aspect of our lives. And finally. To me the most significant thing causing fat people. We are shifting from a society that worked with it's backs, to a society that works with keyboards. We don't even have to walk into a bank anymore. We get out of bed. Brush our teeth with electric toothbrushes. Raise our electric garage door openers. Drive to the ATM. Order fast food and go back to the house to eat it in front of our computers while paying our bills online. Then we order a pay per view movie with the remote control and fall asleep on our electronic lazyboys with a greasy bucket of chicken on our bulbous exposed bellys. This is why we're fat. Not because McDonalds laces the fries with heroin, or because Wendy's secretly desires to give us cancer. They are just making money. We are the pieces of shit that skulk through their drive thrus begging for chicken strips so that we don't have to cook for ourselves. The Anti smoking pricks that are making lawyers rich all around the country have finally ran out of steam. They are trying their hand at second hand smoke but I hope they hit a brick wall. Knowing this legal system and how this country works I would suspect that thousands of secondhand smoke "sufferers" will get big money in the comming years. That too will end and the blood suckers will need another cash cow. Pepsi and Coke have deep pockets. Mcdonalds and Burger King are strapped with cash. They are next I guess. I hope the guys at Anheiser and Busch don't think they are immune to this crazyness. Their time is comming.

Who is Mila Jovovich's agent?

Ok. Let me begin this by saying that I like guns. But all the guns in the world are not going to save Mila Jovovichs career! I mean it's like piling chocolate coating on shit. No matter how much chocolate you put on it, it's still shit in the creamy center. If I'm not mistaken this woman started out as some kind of modeling prodigy. That probably was working out well for her. She was probably in some after school specials but then was kind of a passive character in the movie Dazed and Confused. Again. Not a bad career move. She received top billing even though she had few lines and was not remotely featured in the movie. Then came the Fifth Element. Kind of a Hudson Hawk kind of movie. Coincidence that Bruce Willis was in it? I doubt it. While it had an allstar cast and had that summer blockbuster kind of feel to it, it was lousy. I have tried to watch it several times but have never been able to do it. Again guns made the movie worth trying to watch, but the movie made it impossible. Enter the Resident Evil Series. I admit. I was rolling my eyes when this thing came out. I wasn't a big fan of the game as it was. I mean how can you make forty-leven sequels of a crappy game that really never changes.......and get away with it. Tomb Raider tried but failed. What made this one special? Well that's a bitch for a different time. Well they came out with a movie. I watched it on Spike TV and to tell you the truth it was actually pretty good. Cheesy but good. It had that B movie thing going for it that let's you keep watching simply because you know you're not paying to do so. I liked it. When they came out with Resident Evil 2, it was expected but I had no idea how they were going to do it. It wasn't as good but it wasn't too bad. Then Resident Evil 3 came out.......I mean Ultra Violet. In this story she's a geneticly enhanced super soldier. Wasn't that the plot of the last 27 movies she's been in? Come on. The only thing she has accomplished is endearing herself to a bunch of greasy fingered geeks at comic book conventions. Aeon Flux was released not 6 months ago. Underworld. Underworld 2. Blood Rayne! That tirds stank is still fresh in our nostrils. Now this? Is it my imagination or do shitty plots about comic books make just as bad a movies when the protaganist is some hot chick or is it just me? Mila's just cashing a check I suspect. Feeling that her time has past she just wants to get as many movies in the can as she is able. What's next Mila? I know! Here's a boffo idea! Even Ultraer Violet.........2! Hollywood is wondering why their boxoffice receipts are going down? I got one word for you. Vehicle. People like to watch movies. Not vehicles for stars. Arnold made a career off of this crap. People also got tired of him. If Arnold still made money in his movies do you think he would be governating? Oh hell no. Arnold cashed the big check on End Of Days and then checked the fuck out. Yeah he made T3 but it sucked. Bruce Willis can't made a good movie to save his life. The Sixth Sense was good, but it was good because you weren't sitting there saying to yourself, "Man I wonder what Bruce is gonna do next?" You were into his character. Arnold is always Arnold and people are tired of Arnold so he's done.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Bill Oreally threatened some guy hahahahaahahah

Listening to the Bill Oreally show on the radio the other day I was kind of perturbed to hear him mention that Faux's security was going to be getting a hold of some guy that he eliminated from getting on his show. The guy evidently, and I am guessing, came out and told Bill to fuck off. Well I would tell this piece of shit to his face if I ever see him, because as you may or may not know, he is just a man. A man in dire need of a severe ass whipping. Anyway he just kicked the guy off his show. While this is certainly his perrogative, and an acceptable response, he just had to talk shit. He went on and on about how he was gonna report the guy to Faux security! Oh! I bet he's shakin! He's gonna be confronted by faux security and be held accountable! I bet he's heading for his hideout right now! What Bill is really pissed about he can't say. His screeners missed someone. His screeners usually send people that suck Bill off. You're a fine American Bill! Your cock is so massive Bill! I am suffering from submissive wetting just speaking to you Bill! These people have no shame. Such cock boys. Anyway. Anytime Bill gets sent someone he claims to "destroy" people that he confronts on his show and on the radio. Well I really don't think Bill is destroying anyone. He claims France is collapsing due to his Boycott. Walmart and Target continued with their Holiday message and for some reason have not went out of business. The reason? Well the Factor is not really that popular. He's always telling us how popular he is. He evidently has the same cock fucks telling him about his popularity as our illustrious president. He does indeed have a high ranking cable news show. Maybe number one! He also has alot of listeners to his radio show. But when you look at it compared to even unpopular television shows you will see that his audience is really not that large. Insignificant. I talk about what a asshole Oreally is and alot of people don't even know who the guy is. Now Oreally would say that I am comparing apples to oranges. That I am being part of the left wing conspiracy that hates him because he's beautiful. Well Bill if you added the amount of people that hate his ass? I would suspect that a large majority dislikes him. Distrusts him. Explain why David Letterman was allowed to spank his ass on his show and and a lightweight like Phil Donahue DESTROYED his ass right in his own studio! It got so bad that Bill Oreally actually threatened to throw him off the set! HAHAHAHAHAHA This was due to Oreally trying to insinuate that Phil disparaged his nephew going into the service. This of course was totaly off base and Bill knew it. He was just tired of getting shamed on his own show. He had to do something to break Phils choke hold! It was amazing. Bill never has people of any substance that disagrees with him on his show due to his indefensible positions. And he will totaly back off of alot of positions when pushed. He'll studder and stammer and look alot like his bitch ass president. That's why you won't see him outside of his show unless he's got a book to peddle. Oreally for kids? Oh my God! If that's not a sign of the appocolypse I don't know what is. All adults that give this book to a child should be locked up and then beaten about the head and face. Talk about indoctrination! Parents have hard enough time getting their kids to read important things without clouding their brains with that crap. I got an idea! How bout the Bible?